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She was up early that morning; not only because one of the guests wanted to do morning yoga at six in the morning but also because she had barely slept last night.

Her and Dylan had an unexpected fight last night after dinner.

He had come to visit her in her room after the cameras stopped filming and a light conversation suddenly turned heated.

Words were thrown back and forth, words that were said in the heat of the moment that neither of them truly meant but hurt none the less.

It was about a bunch of different little things from their combined frustration of the level of scripted-ness in their "unscripted show" and the forced romantic narrative of Wu Yi and her to jealousy and wondering if "this" was a waste of her time.

By "this", she meant the show but he stormed out before she could continue.

After he stormed out the door, she had collapsed onto her bed with tears streaming down her face.

Her sleep had been a fitful and restless one as the words that were said were still rattling in her brain.

She woke up with a pounding headache, feeling no more rested, and the marks of tear stains still on her face.

Looking at herself in the mirror, she could see the anguish and the sorrow radiating from her pores and seen through her broken and red eyes.

Thankfully, she had picked up a few tricks from makeup artists over the years so she could fake being well rested when she was quite the opposite.

She hated, hated, fighting with her boyfriend because they rarely fought - they bickered and they teased but there was always an undercurrent of love - which made every fight so painful.

She entered the yoga space feeling quite lethargic but ready to do anything possible to be able to breathe a little easier (there was really only one solution to achieve that but it was easier said then done in a room full of cameras capturing their every move).

Her heart picked up a beat as he entered the room and dropped down onto the mat right besides hers.

What did that mean? Was he still angry with her? Was he as regretful as she was? Did he crave their reconciliation as much as she did?

She had no idea because he wouldn't even look at her (but she hoped that her eyes conveyed what she didn't have the privacy to say).

Feeling mentally and emotionally exhausted, she gladly moaned alongside the yoga instructor and happily took the opportunity to lay on her back and perform the relaxing breaths she taught them to do.

She eventually fell asleep, facing Didi, taking solace in the fact that he chose to sit next to her even with everything that was said last night, and took the rest her body so badly needed (sleep coming more natural to her in that moment next to him then it had the night before).

She woke up later, completely alone in the room, except for the jacket that covered her. It was the jacket she had worn to the airport before. It was a jacket that she was sure was hanging up in her closet previously. It was a jacket that now smelt like him. She put the jacket on and left to go rejoin the others (eager to contribute as she felt guilty for sleeping in when the others were hard at work).

When she did find the others, he wasn't with them.

She saw him moments later, striding in her direction. She saw the look in his eyes and hated it, it was the look of someone who was looking at you but at the same time through you, like you didn't even exist. She had seen that look used sometimes when he was playing Dao Ming Si and she loathed it in him and she despised it even more now. That look didn't belong in her love's eyes.

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