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He had just finished a long day shooting a variety show and he was extremely excited to be home.

As he came towards their door with some awesome takeout he picked up on the way home, he heard the sounds of "DIE!!!!!!" coming from inside their apartment.

He shifted the bag containing delicious takeout to one arm as he carefully unlocked the door with the other and stepped into their apartment.

He slipped off his shoes and put on his house slippers before venturing into the rest of the apartment.

He beelined for the kitchen so he could the food in the fridge, not being able to see his girlfriend anywhere but definitely being able to hear her.




"Strong Strong??"

He huffed as he didn't receive a response.

He followed the noise to find her in the living room.

He blinked. He blinked again. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

His adorable tiny girlfriend was dressed in one of his shirts that draped over her slender frame and was tucked into a pair of pajama shorts.

There were also giant slippers on her feet with pineapples all over them (a gag gift from Caesar, Conner and Darren for the anniversary of Meteor Garden).

Her hair was up in a bun held together by a bright white fluffy hair scrunchie.

The most hilarious part of the entire thing was the two electric fly swatters she was holding, one in each hand.

She was brandishing them like swords or lightsabers as she sliced the air with them, spinning in circles with a fierce glare on her face.

"Come out you blood sucking demons! You dare to try and steal my blood?! You all are going to die!"

She had never looked cuter to him then in that moment.

He stepped into the living room and stepped behind her, wrapping his arms around shoulders,

"Who is the unfortunate creature receiving your wrath tonight?" He asked, swooping down to place a kiss on her cheek.

"Mosquitos" she hissed.

"If I get one more bite I will look like a polka dotted clown! I am already covered in Tiger Balm as it is. I refuse. I have been too generous with the mosquitos. Tonight they die!"

As he snatched the other electric fly swatter out of his girlfriend's hands to join her in her efforts, both of them randomly yelling "DIE!!" and "Right there! Right there!", he felt that despite the evening not beginning the way he expected, it was turning out to be a truly enjoyable evening that he wouldn't trade for anything.

And they did take a break from their mosquito killing mission to reheat the the takeaway. And he was pleased to report despite several hours passing, it tasted just as good as he thought it would be.


Aah, the life of a mosquito killer is never finished as he got up to aid his girlfriend.

Fun times for sure.

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