VI. toast

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"Hurry up!" Peter yelled as we saw Edmund, now a small figure against the huge castle. We ran as fast as our legs could carry us to the top of a hill overlooking the entrance. I couldn't think. I could barely even speak.

Edmund was gone.

He was gone.

He was gone.

Why had he done it? I would never know. All I knew is that I blamed myself, just a little. If I...if we all hadn't been so hard on him, maybe he wouldn't have done it. How could I be so stupid? Thoughts flashed through my head.

Edmund grabbing my hand.

Edmund helping me up.

Edmund worrying about me.

Edmund carrying my back to my room.



"Edmund!" Lucy screamed, pulling me back to reality. Mr. Beaver quickly put a hand over her mouth.

"Shhh! They'll hear ya." Suddenly, while we were all preoccupied with Lucy, Peter made a break for the castle.

A new kind of angry confidence spread through me. Edmund Pevensie, as much as he annoyed me, was my friend. I cared. we all did. I wasn't about to let the others play into the witch's hands too. I was mad.

Very mad.

"Peter! Come off it!" I whisper-screamed at him, grabbing him by the sleeve of his fur coat. He turned back to me, and for just a moment I saw the fear and sorrow in his face. Then they were gone.

"Get off me, Lark! We can't just let him go!"

"Pete," I pulled him hard, so we were face to face. "I'm just as scared as you are. I miss Edmund just as much as the rest of you. But...if we go now, we're just playing into her hands. This is what she wants, Peter. she wants your anger, your recklessness. She wants to use them to her advantage. Don't give her what she wants, Peter."

I breathed hard, and tentatively let go of his jacket sleeve. He stared at me for a second, a funny look on his face. I ignored it.

"This is all your fault! None of this would've happened if you all had just listened to me in the first place!" Susan exclaimed angrily. I sent her a reproachful look. Peter, being Peter, had to fight fire with fire.

"So you knew this would happen?" spat Peter, glaring at Susan. Susan seemed to falter.

"I didn't know...I didn't know what would happen, Peter!"

"Stop!" Lucy said suddenly, all eyes now on her. "All this fighting isn't going to help Edmund." I stared at the girl in awe, finding a new respect for Lucy Pevensie.

"She's right," I said. Lucy smiled up at me thankfully. "Only Aslan can help us now."

"Then take us to him," Peter said breathlessly.


Edmund's POV: (A/N two things: 1. Wow! Ed's POV again! 2. Sorry, the timing doesn't really match up. Oh well. For the sake of the story, don't come get me :) )

Maugrim pushed me roughly into a cold and bare prison cell, shoving in some bread and water in with me. I scrambled into the corner, away from the savage wolf.

The cell door slammed shut.

How could I have been so stupid?

I should've seen it. I should've known. Now my family and...and friend were traveling to their deaths. All because of me. It was my fault. They were going to die. My family was going to die.

Lark was going to die.

I couldn't stop the tears from falling.

Leaning my head against the wall, I sniffed quietly. If there was anyone else in this stupid dungeon, I didn't want to be heard.

I didn't want to be seen.

I was never going to see my family again. I would never get yelled at by Susan again, or see Lucy's smile again, or laugh with Peter again.

Or feel that fluttery feeling in my stomach whenever I saw Lark. Ever again.

I wept.


Lark's POV:

We rushed back to the Beaver's house. We had only just shut the door when something slammed up against the wall.

"Take them!" a voice growled. Wait...growled.


Edmund told them where we were.

He turned us in.

At that very moment, my heart shattered.

Mr. Beaver snapped me out of my revery.

"Hurry Mum, they're after us!" Mr. Beaver said to Mrs. Beaver. I groaned internally.

No way! I had no idea! (Note sarcasm)

Shut up.

"What are you doing?" asked Susan worriedly. God, guys...something useful? Please?

"Don't worry, you'll thank me later. It's a long journey, and Beaver gets cranky when he's hungry." Mrs. Beaver explained as she began stuffing food in a wicker basket.

"I'M CRANKY NOW!" screamed. Mr. Beaver. I suppressed a giggle, despite everything.

At least, it distracted me from what had been done.

"Do you think we should bring the jam?" asked Susan worriedly, wringing her hands.

"Only if the witch serves toast!" I retorted.

Pulling my new crimson cloak of the coat hook, I swirled it over my shoulders and pulled up the hood. Turning around, I saw the other three Pevensies staring at me in surprise. I grinned sheepishly.

"What? Anyway...come on. We should be getting out of here." I broke the scared silence as Mr. Beaver opened a door near to the ground.

With one last (hopefully encouraging) look at the Pevensies and an extra smile for Lucy, I turned around and swept into the tunnel.


Chapter 6! Thank you so much for almost 100 reads already! I love making these for you guys and hope you love it!

Don't worry, some drama and cute stuff will ensue once all five are together again. UNtil then...probably more heartbreaking thoughts on both Lark's and Ed's parts. SORRY!

Or maybe I'll switch it up and get them back together sooner than planned. >:)

Also, I hope you liked my portrayal of Edmund's emotions toward betraying his family and Lark. if you have any tips or ideas they are DEFINITELY APPRECIATED AND WANTED so please please PLEASE comment below.

As always, don't forget to comment and vote for this if you liked it.

Other than that, see you in the next chapter!

Love ya!

Au Revoir,


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