Jhope x reader

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You and Jhope are in the same dance class, and you have grown quite attached to him, and he has became attached to you. You went on a winter vacation to the mountains to take a break from everything and just relax. You had wanted to learn how to ice skate for a while now, so you headed to a frozen lake out in the woods.
  The icy wind blew across my face and sent chills down my spine. I hurriedly trot to the lake, one hand holding my skates, and the order hugging my jacket close.
  Frozen leaves crunched under my feet as I approached the icy lake, but I come to a halt when I spot someone else on the lake. They were skating, but also dancing at the same time. It was a beautiful thing, and I could only stare in amazement.
  The way the figure moved, how much emotion this dance showed... I recognize it. It's Hoseok.
  I was about to speak when he comes to an abrupt stop and immediately starts skating towards me.
  "Hi, (Y/N)!!," he says happily.
  "Hey, Hoseok," I say as I walk a little closer to the lake," Your dance was amazing. I've never seen one like it before. What's it called?"
  He chuckles nervously," It's actually one I made on my own. I didn't expect anyone to come to this lake, so I was practicing, but I'm glad you came," he notices the skates in my hand and his face lights up," Hey! Lets go skating together!"
  "Ah, uh, well... I don't actually know how to skate. I-I came here to try to learn," I say, feeling my face get hot despite the cold air around me.
  "It's ok! I'll teach you! Put your skates on and I'll help you!" He says in an excited and cheerful voice.
  "Ok," I say. I couldn't bring myself to say no to him, but I also really want to learn.
  I lean against a tree and slip on my skates, leaving my shoes sitting on a low branch.
  Hoseok holds out his gloved hand and I gently take it. I try not to fall as he leads me into the ice, but he holds me steady.
  "Ok, the key is balance. Let me help you," he says as he takes one of my hands and has his other arm around my waist to steady me.
  I'm not gonna lie, I felt safe under his touch, but also kind of nervous.
  He lifts one foot and glides across the ice, pulling me along with him. My shaky legs almost slide out from under me a couple times, but I managed to stay balanced.
  Hoseok leads me through a series of twist and turns, all while still holding me. As I slowly start getting the hang of it, he slowly lets me go to skate on my own.
  Soon after, we are both skating and dancing to our hearts content. As we near the end of the dance, he takes my hand and pulls me towards him, resting his other hand on my hip.
  My arms made their way around his neck and I stare into his beautiful brown orbs.
  "(Y/N)...," he says, a slight blush creeping onto his face. He pulls my body into his and holds me in a warm embrace. I snaked my arms around his waist and rest my head on his chest.
  "Why don't we go to the coffee shop down the road and warm up?" He says as he nestled his nose in the crook of my neck.
  "That sound great. Lets go," I say as I hesitantly pull away from the warmth of his embrace and glide over the ice to get my shoes.
I make my way over to the tree and put my shoes back on before turning back towards the lake, only to find that Hoseok is nowhere to be seen.
"Hoseok?" I say. There is no answer, and my heart drops.
He probably just abandoned me like everyone else.
I am snapped out of my thoughts when I feel a warm pair of arms snakes around my waist and a head rest of my shoulder.
"Ha! Gotcha, (Y/N)!" He says in his usual cheery voice.
"You're mean, Hoseok," I say, giggling at how childish we're being right now.
"Now lets go get some hot coffee!!(or hot chocolate)" he says before literally sweeping me off my feet and carrying me bridal style out of the woods.
"Hoseok! What're you doing?" I say, truly shocked.
"I'm carrying you to the coffee shop because I don't want you to hurt your feet walking so much," he says in a caring tone.
"But yo-,"
"I'm fine, (Y/N). Just stay warm," he says before flashing his amazing smile.
I sigh in content and wrap my arms around his neck and nuzzle my head into his warm chest.
3rd person POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hoseok and (Y/N) make it to the coffee shop and quickly warm up. They have a nice chat over some amazing hot chocolate and end the day with Hoseok giving (Y/N) his number and a kiss on the cheek.

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