Namjoon x Reader Pt.2

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We walked to his truck and, like a gentleman, he opens the door for me. Excitement bubbles inside of me and he climbs in the drivers seat and cranks it up. I've always loved his truck. It's beautiful.
"Hey, Y/n," he says as he backs out of my driveway.
"What's up?" I say, butterflies dancing in my stomach.
"What's your favorite food?" He asks.
"Aye.. that's a hard one. Honestly I'm good with anything," I respond.
"Do you wanna go to Holt Brother's Barbecue?" He asks. (Holt Brother's Barbecue is a barbecue and burger place where I live. It's honestly amazing and if you get the chance to go you should. All you American southerners know what I'm talking bout)
"Yeah sure," I say. I'll go almost anywhere if it's with him.
"Is it ok if we get carry out and eat when we get to the surprise place?" He asks, trying to hide his shy smile.
"Yeah. Can you please tell me where we're going?" I coax him.
"I can't tell you. It's a secret," he chuckles as he turns into the parking lot. That was fast.
We get out of his truck and walk to the door. His hand brushes mine and he hooks our pinkies together. He lets go soon after, but only to hold the door for me. We walk to the front and look at the menu before ordering.
"What do you want to get?" He asks.
(If you've ever been there you can get what you like but if you haven't just go with this)
"The pulled pork sandwich sounds good," I say as I look at him and smile. He returns the smile, showing his adorable dimples.
"I think that's what I'm gonna get to," he says, walking me up to the register.
"Hey what can I get y'all?" The guy behind the counter says.
"Can we get a carry out with two pulled pork sandwiches with fries And a drink please," he says as he goes to pull out his wallet.
I go to reach for mine but he stops me by grabbing my hand.
"Nah I got this," he says. I go to protest, but but he waves his hand and hands the cashier the money.
"Your change is $7.31," he says as he counts it out into his hand.
"Thanks," he says as the guy hands him the number sign. He nods as he hands us our cups and walks back to the kitchen.
"You didn't have to do that, Namjoon," I say as I fill my cup up with ice and f/d. (Favorite drink)
"Yes I did. No argument to be given," he laughs and gets his drink.
"Thank you," I say as we walk to the end of the counter and sit on the bar stools.
"How's your day been?" He asks, breaking the silence.
"It was ok, but now it's great now that you're here," I say with my cheesiest smile. He laughs and looks away in attempt to hide his blush, "How was yours?"
"Ah.. it was good, but Yoongi Hyung kind of scared me," he laughs.
"He's just a big teddy bear don't worry," I say, laughing with him.
  A waiter walks by, shooting a glance at me. Namjoon notices and gives him a glare. He took the hint and walked the other way.
  "Are you getting a little jealous?" I ask, tilting my head to the side.
  "No. He was just looking at what wasn't his," he mumbles, a dark blush creeping onto his face.
"Aww Joon is jealous," I say as I reach over and ruffle his hair.
"I'm not jealous," he says with an adorable shy smile.
"Order number seven!" The cashier yells from the counter.
We stand up and grab our food before thanking them and walking out the door. The walk to his truck is silent, but it wasn't awkward. Once again, he opens the door for me and then climbs in the drivers seat.
"Hey, Y/n. Can I get your opinion on a song I made that I've been debating whether or not to keep?" He asks as he shits his door.
"Yeah. I'd love to hear it," I say, eager to hear some of his work. Yoongi didn't really like showing me his work, unless it was a small rap part that he would mumble whole he walked through the house.
He hits play on his phone and the sound of rain falling fills the inside of the truck followed by the slow playing of a piano. After a moment, his amazing voice fills my ears. I'm loving this beat.
"What do you think so far?" He asks as he slows down for a red light.
"I like it. What's it called?" I ask as I look over at him.
"Forever Rain. I've been working on it for a while now and I think's it's finally ready," he says with a smile. Good Lord his dimples are so cute.
"I love it. Have you showed Yoongi yet?" I ask.
"Not yet. Do you think he'll like it?" He asks as we pass an electric blue Ford F150. Beautiful truck. (If you don't like trucks.. you do now 😂😂😂)
"I think he'll like it. He never lets me hear any of his music he works on," I pout.
"Wait.. You know he puts it on YouTube, right?" He says with a puzzled look on his face.
"He does?? I've asked him and he said no!" I say, shocked. I knew he was funny about me hearing it but dang.
"Yeah. I'll show you if you want," he chuckles.
"Can you do it after your song finishes? I'm loving it," I say. My phone dings in my pocketbook and I open it and grab it.

Is he treating you right?
Do I need to come get you?
Where you at?

I giggle at how over protective he is and reply back.

He is don't worry
It's all good Yoongs and we're on (name of street) otw to Joon's surprise place
He won't tell me where it is T-T

The music fades out before I even realize it. I love that song. He hands me his phone before speaking.
"I don't like to type while I'm driving. You can look it up if you want," he says. I take the phone from his hand and click on YouTube.
"What's the name?" I ask, curios to see what my brother won't show me.
"Agust D," he replies. I type it in and click on the first thing I see. It's a music video called Agust D and sang by Agust D..
Drums rumble over the speakers and the bass vibrates the seats. It's got a good beat. I knew he cussed, but I didn't know he did s lot in his songs..
About halfway through the song, Joon speaks up.
"Close your eyes , Y/n," he says as he slows down the truck. I obey and shut my eyes while resting my head on my hand. After a few minutes of driving, he finally gives me the ok to open my eyes.
We're at the most beautiful part of the beach. I squeal and get out of the truck. I stare in aw at how beautiful the waves crash against sand and wash if away.
Namjoon walks up beside me holding a picnic blanket, a cooler, and our bag of food. I smile at him and he returns it. I go to take the blanket and food from his hands, but he only lets me take the blanket, insisting that he should carry the rest.
"You pick the spot, Y/n," he says as he follows me.
"How bout here? It'll be perfect to watch the sunset," I say as I step over to a spot under a palm tree.
  "Yeah," he says. I spread the blanket out and look at him for approval.
  He smiles and sets the food down and rolls the cooler to the side. We sit down and begin to eat our food.
  "This is amazing, Namjoon," I say as I take a bite of my sandwich.
  "I'd do anything for you, love," he says as he pulls out his phone and types something before putting it back. I smile and sip my drink as the sound of the waves crashing against the shore fills my ears. Yoongi must've told him I love the beach.
  We joke around and finish our food before he opens the cooler.i peel over to see what's inside.
  "I brought your favorite cake," he says as he pulls out a container with a fork and hands to to me with a warm smile.
  "Thank you," I say. My heart melts as I take the fish from him and pop it open. We eat our cake and enjoy the peace before he looks over and me and laughs.
  "You have cake on your nose, Y/n," he giggles. He reaches over and wipes it off with his finger before holding it to my lips. Without hesitating, I lick the icing off his finger in one swift movement.I mean, we can't waste the cake.
  We laugh before cleaning up and going back to his truck. Again, he wouldn't let me carry anything except the blanket. We climb in the truck before pulling out of the parking lot and heading back to my house. Namjoon gets a call from Yoongi over the truck speakers and click the answer button.
  "Hello?" He says as we stop at the red light.
  "Where you at?" Yoongi asks.
  "On the way back," he replies.
  "Namjoon I swear if you try anything on her I will personally-"
  "You're on speaker, dude," Namjoon cuts him off.
  "She knows I would. Right Y/n?" He says, trying to be as serious as possible.
  "Yep," I say as my phone beeps.
  "You two better be careful. I'll see you when you get here," he says.
  "Alright. Bye," Namjoon says as we turn.
  "Bye," Yoongi says before hanging up the phone.
  "Don't mind him. He's just overprotective," I laugh as I get my phone out of my pocket.

Why didn't you tell me you and Namjoon finally got together????

Ah sorry 😅
Wait how did you know?

Check your Instagram

  I exit out of messages and click on Instagram. Immediately, a picture shows up of me sitting on the beach looking out at the ocean. The caption reads "On a date with the love of my life ❤️"
  I look over at Namjoon and he chuckles. I like the post and comment something sweet back as we pull into my driveway. We get out and begin to walk to the door, but he stops me.
  "So Yoongi doesn't see this," he says right before he kisses my forehead and pulls me into a hug. I wrap my arms around his sturdy frame, never wanting to let go.
  We pulls away and walk to the door, but Yoongi opens it.
  "I saw that. Be glad I like you, Joon," he says.
  Namjoon's face turns a dark shade of read as he looks down and smiles.
  "Hey, Yoongs. Found your YouTube channel," I say before I blow a kiss to Namjoon and run in the house up to my room.
  "KIM NAMJOON I SWEAR-" Yoongi yells.
  I flop onto my bed and think about everything that's happened today.
  "Wow," I sigh.

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