Chapter 32: Tony Finds Out the Truth

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Rhodey was put in a hospital while Tony waited to hear the results. He noticed Vision and went up to him.

"How did this happen?" Tony asked.

"I became distracted," Vision answered.

"I didn't think that was possible," Tony stated.

"Neither did I," Vision responded.

Tony left for the corridor to see Natasha on a balcony, also concerned.

"The doctors say he shattered L4 through S1. Extreme laceration in the spinal cord. Probably looking at some form of paralysis," Tony explained.

"Steve and Y/N aren't gonna stop. If you don't either, Rhodey's gonna be the best case scenario," Natasha pointed out.

"You let them go, Nat," he remarked.

"We played this wrong," she said.

"'We'? Boy, it must be hard to shake the whole double agent thing, huh? It sticks in the DNA," Tony replied.

"Are you incapable of letting go of your ego for one goddamn second?" Nat asked.

"T'Challa told Ross what you did, so...they're coming for you," he warned.

"I'm not the one that needs to watch their back," she responded.

She left and Tony decided to check it out. He looked over holographic images on his wrist device.

"What am I looking at, FRIDAY?" he asked.

"Priority upload from Berlin police," FRIDAY answered.

"Fire up the chopper," Tony instructed.

Tony got in the helicopter and flew over a stormy sea, looking over the images on his tablet computer.

"The Task Force called for a psychiatrist as soon as Barnes was captured. The UN dispatched Dr. Theo Broussard from Geneva within the hour. He was met by this man," FRIDAY explained.

"Did you run facial recognition yet?" he wondered.

"What do I look like?" FRIDAY asked.

"Uh, I don't know. I've been picturing a red head," Tony said.

"You must be thinking of someone else," FRIDAY pointed out.

"Must be," Tony agreed.

"The fake doctor is actually Colonel Helmut Zemo, Sokovian Intelligence. Zemo ran Echo Skorpion, a Sokovian covert kill squad," FRIDAY informed.

Tony looked at the image of the imposter.

"So, what happened to the real Broussard?" Tony asked.

"He was found dead in a Berlin hotel room. Where police also found a wig and facial prosthesis approximating the appearance of one James Buchanan Barnes," FRIDAY answered.

"Son of a bitch. Get this to Ross," Tony said.

"Yes, Boss," FRIDAY responded.

At that time, Zemo had made it to the place where the other Super Soldiers were created and found the file from December 16, 1991.


A/N YES! Finally Tony knows what's going on!

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