Chapter 14

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Once everyone is settled into their seats, Colt launched right in, "Ok Harper, Ryder told us happened this morning but I want you to think hard about this, have you noticed someone more than once around you in public places, like the grocery store or walking your dogs?"
I took a minute to think over the past few days and the people I've seen. Swallowing my bite I reply, "I'm sorry, but no one is sticking out to me."
"That's ok, it was a long shot. I definitely want you to go to the police in the morning and make a report that way everything is on file in case this continues. I know you have a security system in your house, but one of us will be out tomorrow morning to go through and see what improvements can be made, I already know we'll be installing a few cameras around your property."
"Do you really think cameras are necessary?" I ask biting my, "I don't want you guys to go out of your way for me."
"Harper, we're together. That means when you're in trouble the club helps out. It's what we do." Ryder grabs my hand, trying to assure me that it's not a big deal.
"He's right Harper, if you ever need anything, one of the brothers will be there to help." Hunter tells me. I might have expected Colton or Finn to say something like that to me, but not a brother I've never met before.
           I can't help but feel touched that a man I've never met before is willing to go out of his way just because I'm seeing his club brother. If I thought I knew how loyal they were to each other, I wasn't even close. 
          I nod and smile at him, I'm unable to find the words to express how much their generosity means to me.
          "Ok, now that that's clears up, let's go over what measures I want you to take. Try as much as possible not to be by yourself in public places. I think it might be a little early to put a man on you 24/7, we don't want to spook the person just yet. So, try to always have at least one other person you trust with you."
          Colt stares at me until I nod, making sure I understand just how serious he is. Once he's sure I'm taking him seriously, he continues, "I also want you to start being more observant, look around you and take in the people in the nearby area. If you see someone you think you've see before, get as good a description as you can for us to work with."
          I can do that, as a street kid you have to be observant and pay attention to the people around you. If you don't, something bad can bite you in the ass. Apparently my street skills are a little rusty. I would have been able to tell you about every person I saw in a day 10 years ago.
          Hopefully it's like riding a bike, and I'll pick them up quickly.
          "Let myself and Ryder know how it goes at the police station and what they say. We'll get all the equipment installed in the morning so you'll have constant surveillance. We'll be able to see if/when your stalker makes their next move and we'll go from there when it happens." Colt assures me.
          With the business out of they way, the feel of the room mellows and everyone settles in for a good time.
Authors note***

Hi everyone, so so sorry for the short update. I've had a friend staying with me the past couple of days so I haven't had a chance to write. She leaves in the morning so tomorrow there will be a MUCH longer update. Please let me know what you think of the story so far and don't forget to vote if you like it!

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