Chapter 8 - Mystery Person

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Millie's POV

Boy: do you really think we should? I'm a bit worried about what your reaction will be when I tell you...

Girl: i am too. I think we should. I think it will be best...

Boy: ok...


Okay, it's go time.



My mouth is wide open as I look at the phone. I look over to Finn's bed where he is sitting, and he is staring at his phone with his mouth wide open.

"Hold on..." I say.

"I'm so confused." He says.

"Woah woah woah woah." I say, beginning to laugh. "Wait. You're mystery boy?" I say, standing up.

"You're mystery girl?" He says, standing up with me.

"I guess I am..." I say, smiling, putting my arms around his neck.

"You said some pretty nice stuff about me." He says, smiling.

"Same to you." I say, smiling.

He leans in, and kisses me lightly.

"You know what's funny?" He says.


"We have actually known each other for like five months." He says.

"That's very true. I was wondering why I was go darn attracted to you. I guess I have a type." I say.

"Or I'm the same exact guy as mystery boy." He says, laughing.

"Well I guess that's true." I say. "What are we gonna tell the others? Lizzy and Lilia know about mystery boy, so they are probably gonna ask about him sometime soon."

"Yeah. Noah, Jack, and Gaten know about mystery girl too." He says.

"We should play it on." I say. He gives me a confused look. "We will bring up mystery boy and mystery girl when we are all together, and they will never think anything of us liking each other. They will think we are so hopelessly devoted to mystery boy/girl that they won't even think about us anymore."

"Yeah! But when are we gonna actually tell them that it's eachother." He asks.

"When we are all sitting together sometime, I will sit next to you and do this." I say as I kiss him.

"That, I am not opposed to." He says, going back in, deepening the kiss.


"Morning, Finn." I say, as I wake up.

"Morning, Mills." He says.

"I'll be right back. I'm gonna go change." I say.

I go to the bathroom and change into a ash grey sweater and some dark washed ripped jeans.

"You look beautiful." He says, examining my whole outfit.

"Thanks." I say, blushing. "I guess it's not weird to say that anymore huh?" I say.

"Yeah. It was so hard for me to be texting mystery girl when I was starting to like you because I was worried that she would be upset, but you were literally going through the same thing." He says, laughing.

"I know!" I say, walking over and sitting on the bed beside him.

"We should go downstairs. The others texted me earlier asking if the two of us wanted to go to breakfast with them." He said.

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