Chapter 12

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The world was ending, she could have sworn on it. She could feel it collapse on her, the air felt heavy. People around her were frantic, panicked, they were afraid. They were runners, people who run or fight on the face of true danger; she was just a deer in headlights. She froze, guilt laid a hand on her chest and pushed her down. It was her fault.

"What other option do we have?" She couldn't tell who spoke, it was most likely the turtle that cradled his dying brother.

Suddenly, the world was focused on a single thing. Fixated, her vision cleared and she was focused.

"I have bandages at my apartment, it's closer than the lair." Babbled, but was heard.

"Let's go then!" In a flash the wounded was hoisted and they ran.

They were runners, and she was just a deer in headlights.

Which was an odd metaphor, because although deers freeze in headlights, they bolt once they come to the sudden realization that they were almost dead. After that, they go back to their daily lives. So maybe the metaphor wasn't so hard to compare her too.

"Where should I put him?"

"On the bed." She said monotone, she grabbed the supplies she needed and walked over to the turtle that was unconscious on her bed.

It was muscle memory for that point, the turtle on her table was not the one she came to accept, it was just another person she had to help.

Once she was done she stared blankly at the turtle in front of her,

"Take him to the lair, he'll make it if you sprint there." She was a doctor in this moment, she wasn't allowed to feel or care for her patient.

They moved wordless, Mikey looked as if he was on the verge of completely breaking down. Tears already slipped down his face, the snot from his nose was smudged as he attempted to wipe it clean. Leo's jaw was clenched, he was supposed to be strong for his younger brothers yet his lapis eyes swam in tears. Raph was the one she was scared of the most, his feelings were unpredictable.

Peridot was not allowed to break down, this was not her family.

It was louder in the lair. They were shouting while Donnie was losing more and more blood.

It was like watching cars drive by, the cars moved without acknowledging her existence.

Someone stood in front of her, then...

"Watch out!"

She was forced backwards, and the world focused again.

"This is your fault!" April roared, "You're just a screw up like always!"

"April!" Warned Leo. "Walk away, it wasn't Peridot's fault."

"I'm here to help, Donnie." She managed to utter with her voice wobbling, "Then I'll leave."

"Oh please," April rolled her eyes while venom flourished in her voice, "You don't care about him and everyone knows it."

"April, enough. Walk away like Leo said." Peridot was surprised that Raph took her side, but she knew it was for Donnie's sake and his only.

"It's fine." Peridot stated, her eyes emotionless similar to her voice, "After I help Donnie I'll leave, it'll help everyone."

"Peri, that's not true." Mikey crooned and stepped towards her, she ignored him and walked to the lab.

Splinter waited inside the room and Leo followed behind Peridot.

"You two have to do exactly what I say, alright?" Peridot glanced at the two who simply stared at her with worry laced in their eyes.

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