Chapter 2

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"Lauren honey? Please wake up Lauren. You need to wake up!"

"If I can't have you, no one can."

"Lauren babe you gotta open your beautiful eyes now so I can look into them."

The voices in my head kept spinning... Everything hurted, all I felt was pain.

I tried to open my eyes, but they were glued together. Someone took my hand, that I could feel. "Hey Lauren, could you please give me a sign of that you're alive?" A nervous voice said. A voice I recognized..

So I opened my eyes. Everything was blurry in the start, but the more I blinked, the more I saw. "Hey, you're finally up!" Someone said and leaned over me. Who was this? Then I saw it. But what was he doing here? "W..w-hat.." I tried to say something but he interupted me. "It's okay, you don't need to talk if it hurts. Here, take a glass of water." He said and handed me the glass from the table beside me. I drank a little bit, but the water was warm. It probably had stood there for a long time. "Lauren, you were in an accident. The doctors found your phone, and they called me cause they thought I was your boyfriend cause of all the text's I sent you.. I'll leave if you want me to, but it's just so good to see you awake." He said. Where are my parents then? Are they here? I don't remember anything. "Don't go Calum.. Can you just get my parents.. Thank you.." I said and tried to smile. It probably looked foolish.

"Oh my baby!" Mum screamed when she saw me. She ran over to me and hugged me so tight I almost lost my breath. "I'm so happy you're awake darling." My dad said, showing up behind my mum. My dad's from London, so he normally calls me 'darling' or 'dear'. I love his accent tho, and I wish I had it.

When they both hugged me, a doctor came in to check up on me. "You needed a heart surgery Lauren, the bullet hit your heart and left a scar. We did everything we could to save it, and I think what we did will hold for a while. But you definately need a new heart, this one's pretty damaged. You're 2nd on the heart-transpliosion list." My doctor said and walked away.

My mum brushed into tears, and my dad caught her before she fell on the floor. What is this? Bullet? "What bullet mum? What happened?" I asked confused. Calum walked over to me fast and explained everything. Jason shot me, right in my chest. Right after he did it, he called 991. If he didn't do that... Well I probably wouldn't be here today. Jason have to spend five years in teenage prision.

And I need a new heart! I'm so embarrased over that Calum have to see me like this, I probably look terrible. He left some minutes after he explained what happened to me. I said thanks and he gave me a 'get well soon' hug. I can't believe the doctors called him! So weird.. But I gotta admit it was good waking up to him. My mum's still sitting in the chair, hulking. I wish I could take this all away from her, I wish I could be fine.

The doctors had been walking in and out from my room all the time for the next week. I was going home tomorrow, cause they said I were good enough to be at home, and they would contact me if a new heart was free for me. It's kinda weird thinking that I will have someone else's heart in my body. Like I'm living the life of someone else.

Tomorrow was finally here, and I was leaving the hospital. I couldn't wait to get home. The first thing I'm gonna do is change clothes, cause I'm really sick of this hospital cape. And then I'm gonna call my best friend Becca, and ask if she would come over. It would be really nice to have someone to talk to right now.

My parents helped me out in the car, and the drive home went fast. I didn't know what to expect when I got inside of the house. Was it still bloody? I hoped my mum cleaned up, even though it must have been hard for her. But when I got inside, there were no signs of what happened. It smelled fresh airner, and food. Food! That's the thing I've been most exited over for getting home. I can eat normal food again.

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