Chapter 12

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"Shit." I muttered before turning over and reach out for my phone.

It was a text from Calum.

From: Baeee 💞

"When you comming?? We're waiting for you! 😘"

Crap! I fell asleep and forgot the time. It was already 6.30pm, so I quickly got up from my bed and found a little bag.

I packed some makeup, sleeping clothes, and toothbrush. After I finished packing I ran downstairs and asked if my dad could drive me, and he said yes, luckily!

Finally in the car, he asked me how the tour was. I told him everything. About the shows and all the towns, I've finally expirenced America!

When we pulled up in Luke's driveaway he kissed me goodbye and told me to be careful. I waved at him when he drove out, and I ran up to the front door.

"Hi!" Luke opened the door and greeted me with an hug. "Missed you so much." I joked and made him laugh.

He lead me into the livingroom, where everyone already was. Sophie was also here! I ran up to her and gave her a tight hug. "I missed you babe." She said as we pulled away. "Missed you too." I whispered and gave her a big smile.

"Where's my boyfriend at?!" I whined and jumped in Calum's lap. "His right here honey!" He said in a girly voice and placed a wet kiss on my lips. "I want more of that later..." I whispered in his ear and made him smile. "You bet." He whispered, as I sat down on the floor inbetween his legs.

Sophie and Jade came and sat around me on the floor, and the rest of the boys got seated in the couch.

We talked about everything from the tour.

The time we snuck out and watched the stars, in the middle of the night.

The time Luke brought me and Jade on stage, that was sick!

All the fans we met, so many new friends.

All the times we fought, but then made it up over pizza and chick flicks.

That me and Jade got on our period the same time every month! And how the boys freaked out and bought us tampons and chocolate. Their so lovely.

After talking about many memories from the tour, we decided to order pizza! Michael called the pizza guy and ordered 3 pizzas, and meanwhile we decided to play hide and seek.

Ashton was counting, and I ran off with Calum to Luke's bedroom. I don't know where the others went, but I think Michael and Sophie hid in the closet. Or, I heard chuckeling from the closet.

Calum dragged me under Luke's bed, after he turned off the lights. "This place is gross." He said and found a slice of old pizza. "Gross.. I'm scared." I said.

"Don't be scared baby." He said and wrappd his arms around me. Even though the lights were off, I could see his eyes sparkeling. Those beautiful brown eyes that I loved more than anything.

I kissed him on his lips and he giggeled. "You're so adoreble." I said and pinched his cheek. "You're so hot." He answered and winked.

So, there we layed. Under Luke Hemming's bed making out. I didn't mind though, I'd make out with this boy anywhere.

Things were getting pretty steamy, when the lights suddently turned on. We both froze, and layed still.

Steps were coming closer to the bed, and I held my breath. If Ashton saw us now it would be so embarassing!

"What are you doing gosh where is your hands Calum!" Ashton screamed and I noticed he was watching us. "Like what you see?" Calum smirked and pecked my lips. "Honestly..yes."

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