Chapter 5

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*Calum P.O.V*

All the time while Lauren was in surgery, I spent in the waiting room with her parents. It took many hours, but it was worth it. I wanted to be here when she woke up.

~ 6 hours later ~

I was sitting by Lauren's side and waiting for her to wake up. The doctors said the surgery went well, and if she wakes up in the next 24 hours she can go home this week.

"You need to wake up." I whispered in her ear and kissed her forhead. I need her to be okay! I can't live without her, I can't be without her.

"I have to go now, call me if she wakes up." I told Lauren's parents before I left the hospital. They told me they were happy Lauren had someone like me in her life. That made me feel warm inside.

I got to Luke's house for the rehersal, and everyone was already there. "How's your girl?" Michael asked when I came in. "She's not my girl.. And she's healing." I told him. I spotted someone unknown sitting in the couch, and thought it was Ashton. "You must be Ashton." I said and went over to him. "Yeah.. Nice to meet you." He said and shaked my hand. "Man, aussies hug." I said and gave him a quick hug. He laughed and teased me with it for the rest of the day.

We got to know Ashton better, and it felt like we've been best friends forever. We didn't do so much serious playing, but we showed eachother what we were good at. Ashton was an amazing drummer, Luke was lucky to find him!

While we were talking about our band, my phone called. I answered it right away cause I guessed it was Lauren's parents. "She's awake Calum." Her dad said in a serious tone. "I'll be there." I said and hung up. "Guys I gotta go to the hospital now." I said and got up. "I'm coming with you." Luke said and joined.

When we got there, we were greeted by Lauren's mum. "Hi boys.. She's awake now but you should know she's very weak." She said as a tear fell down her cheek. "But praise the lord that she survived." She cried, and I saw she was about to break down. I didn't know what to do so I ran over to her and hugged her, as I felt the tears pressing on. "Thanks." She whispered when I pulled away.

Luke and I walked in to the room, and saw her laying there. She was white in her face but she still looked beautiful. The doctors said she lost alot of blood under the surgery, that explained the weakness. "Hi boys." She said and smiled when she noticed us. "Hi Lauren.. How are you feeling?" Luke said and walked over to her. "Honestly.. I just wanna go home." She said and looked at him. "What's up with him? Why isn't he speaking?" She said and pointed at me. "I'm just happy you're awake." I said and smiled. I went over to her bed and took her hand.

We stayed at the room for some minutes, before visiting time was over. I kissed her goodbye and Luke gave her an high five. I hope time goes fast, cause I want her home.

~1 week later~

*Lauren P.O.V*

I'm going home from the hospital today! It's gonna be so good to get home to my own things, and be able to hang out withC Calum outside. He has been here everyday since the surgery, and he's very supportive.

Becca was here yesterday, and she did my nails and hair. It was good to have some girly time too.

"Ready to go home?" Dad asked when he entered the door. "Yes!" I screamed and jumped up from the bed. "Let's go!" He laughed and took my hand. Even tho I was 14, I was still his babygirl.

Finally at home, I was exhausted. I asked my mum if I could have an friend over, and she said yes. I called Calum right away. "Hey, wanna come over?" I asked when he picked up. "I'm on my way!" He said and hung up. I laughed and placed my phone at the table.

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