Chapter 4

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*Calum P.O.V*

I'm on my way to the hospital to see Lauren. Her dad called me and told me she had left with the ambulance. It's 2am, but I don't care, I have to see her.

When I got there, it wasn't so many people there. I asked for Lauren in the reception, and a nurse told me to sit down, cause she was in surgery. Oh how I wish she was gonna be okay!

I've been sitting in the same chair for 30 minutes now, and I'm getting worried. Suddently, an man comes up to me. "Are you Calum?" He asked me and got seated beside me. "Yes sir." I said and looked up at him. He looked like he had been crying.

"I'm Roger, Lauren's dad. Nice to finally meet you. Sad that I had to meet you this way.." He said and looked sad. "I'm so sorry sir.. But how is she?" I asked him. "You call me Roger from now on okay?" He said and smiled and I nodded. "And she's stabile for now, she just got out from surgery." That means that she was okay! Phew. "When can I see her?" I asked nervously. "I wish I could say now, but you gonna have to come tomorrow. Visiting time is over." He said and looked sad. "Oh.. Well I guess I see you tomorrow then, Roger." I said as he walked away.

So I guess I had to go home. But I couldn't leave her like this. I needed to see her. So I did something I never thought I would do, sneak in. I knew her room number, and walked calmly down the hallway, looking as normal as possible. Even tho on my inside I was blowing up.

I opened the door, and there she laid. There was no one in the room, so I went over to her bed and took her hand. It was warm and soft. So I just sat there for a while, watching her and holding her hand. She was truly beautiful. I could see her chest go up and down as she was breathing, I just noticed every little thing about her. Her black and shiny hair. But with all the beeping around in the room, I could still hear her breathing. And I liked hearing that.

I sat with her for some minutes before I got out. I took the bus home and collapsed on the coach. I called Michael to ask if he could come over, but he didn't answer his phone, so I called Luke. He answered right away.

"What's up babbeh!" He shouted out when he entered the door. But when he came in the livingroom, his eyes got more serious. "What happened Calum?" He said and came over to me. "It's Lauren.." I said as a tear fell down my face. Was I really gonna cry?

"Dude, you like her don't you?" He said and clapped my shoulder. "Yeah Luke, I think I do.. But she's sick." I said, and couldn't hold it back. I have never cried over a girl before, not like this. Then Luke hugged me. It felt good, like he was supporting me. "I hope she get's better soon ." He said and tried to comfort, but it didn't really work. I wanted her good now.

"But man, I got some good news.." Luke said when he pulled away from the hug. "Tell me." I said and dried away some tears. "I found us a drummer! His name is Ashton, and he's really good." He said and smiled. "That's good Luke, now we can actually be a real band!" I said, happy. I smiled of joy. My dream was coming true. I couldn't wait to tell Lauren! She was definately our #1 fan.

Luke told me that we could do rehersals at his house. I asked him when we should do our 1st, and he said that Ashton was free tomorrow, so maybe I should come over and say hi. "That would be cool." I said.

"Okay Calum, I'm gonna walk out that door now and then we forget about what happened.. We were kinda girl-ish." He said and blushed. "Yeah dude.. Go do some real man things." I said and tried to keep serious. "Oh my god I'm gonna go shopping!" He said in a girly voice and ran out the door. What a guy.

I decided to go to sleep, I haven't really slept tonight. I left my phone on incase someone called.

*Lauren P.O.V*

I woke up in the place I hated most in the world.

My body was hurting, and I was struggeling with opening my eyes. "Hi babygirl." I heard someone said. Calum was the first thing that came in my mind, but when I opened my eyes I saw that it was my mum. "I'm alive." I joked, and my mum smiled. "And you'll stay alive for a long time, cause we got a heart for you." My mum said as a tear rolled down her cheek.

I had so many feelings in my body right now. I didn't know neither to cry or smile. So I did both. My mum hugged me and said it was all gonna be okay now. It was good to see her smile again. This needs to work out cause I need to be alive.

"Mum.. Can you call Calum?" I asked after she pulled away from the hug. "Your boyfriend?" She winked. "My friend." I corrected. "But he is hot." It came out from me. I didn't even notice that I said that. "Ooooooh I'm gonna go and call your hot friend then." She said and laughed before leaving the room. I can't believe I just said that!

*Calum P.O.V*

My phone woke me up from my sleep, and I looked on the display and it stood "Lauren". I answered right away. "Lauren?" I asked. "Hello! This isn't Lauren, it's her mum." Oh no. Did something bad happen? "Lauren want's you to come to the hospital." She said in a friendly voice. "I'll be there in 15!" I heard her mum laugh before I hung up and got up from my bed.

I took the bus to the hospital, and found her room in 30 seconds. When I opened the door, I saw an beautiful Lauren laying there, fully awake. "I'm so glad you came!" She said when she saw me. "Hi Lauren, you scared us there." I said and walked over to her. "I'm not leaving yet." She smiled cheekely. "I'm getting a new heart, the surgery is later today." She said and looked at me. "Lauren... That's so good! I'm so happy to hear that! I'm not ready to lose you." I said and felt my cheeks getting red.

I sat with her for the next hour. I told her about Ashton, and that we were really starting a band now. She was happy to hear that. Then a nurse came in and told us she was coming to get Lauren to surgery in 30 minutes. Her parents came in and said goodluck, and I decided to back off a bit. "Get over here Calum." She said when I turned around and walked. It didn't even take me a second before I was back beside her, where I always wanna be.

"I don't wanna be without you Lauren, you better survive." I said and took her hand. She smiled and folded her fingers with mine. "I'm coming back for you." She said and looked me in my eyes. Those eyes. Wow is all I can say. I moved closer to her, and kissed her on her lips. She smiled. "That's gonna keep me alive." She said and winked. "You better do." I said and kissed her cheek. I couldn't help it but kiss her, I just had to.

When the nurse came to take her out, I kissed her one last time. "Do good girl." I said and smiled. She waved before she dissapeared behind the corner.

And now she was gone, all that was to do now, was to wait...

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