{Number Thirty}

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Winter's P.O.V

I held my stomach as I spilled my guts out for the fifth time today.

Flushing the toilet I feel Courtney smoothing the back of my hair as I hear the triplets do other things for me.

"Thanks guys" I muttered as I push myself up off the ground a make my way towards the sink to brush my teeth.

"Are you sure your okay" Jacklen asked giving me a weary smile.

"Yeah I'm fine why would you ask that for, its most probably something I ate today" I smiled back as I rinse my mouth with mouthwash.

"It's not just something you ate today Winnie, you've been throwing up for two weeks now you can't tell me that's not weird" Harper spoke softly while the girls nod their heads.

"When was the last time you had your period" Blaze asked folding her arms.

"Guys I'm fine" I said "plus I had my period two week ago I'm fine" I shrugged but they didn't seem convinced at all.

"No Winter, we're going to get a pregnancy test and that's final" Courtney scolds pulling me towards my bed where the girl had a fresh pair of clothes laid out for me.

Ripped jean, a cropped hoodie, my glasses and a pair of low cut converses before I throw my hair up into a messy bun.

"I'm not pregnant Courtney" I whined at her but she only scolded at me once again.

"And how are you sure how many times have you actually used protection" she grunted giving me a look a mother would.

"We didn't at all" I mumble like a toddler.

"And I just know alright " I frowned as she shakes her head at me.

"Not good enough, now hurry up" she growled pulling me by the arm as the triplets laugh quietly behind us.

We walk to Lucas office and stand there for a couple of minutes.

"How are you going to get some money for him, you know better of all people that he will damn well ask questions" I folded my arms and pout at Courtney who had a smirk on her face.

"I'll get it force or not" she gave a evil chuckle.

"Lucas give me some money, Blaze isn't feeling well and we need more paracetamol and stuff" Courtney barged in making Lucas frown.

"Why can't you ask Clayton, or Jacob maybe Paul or pat, I'm not the only one with money" Lucas Scold Courtney who threw him a glare.

"It's only like thirty buck come on look at her" and right on que Blaze starts to make faces and pained sounds only to get a confused expression from me while the two other triplets laugh outside the doors.

I was about to say something when the girls shoot me a dirty looks.

"Fine, But you have to promise to keep her safe" he grunted making them nod "fine here" he passed a smiling Courtney the thirty dollar bill before she and blaze grab my upper arms and drag me out.

We get into the cars and make it to the pharmacy in no time, but right now we're all looking at the pregnancy tests.

"Which one" the triplets and Courtney question looking at all of the tests.

"For fucks sakes just get two random ones" I yelled pulling a cheap one then a sophisticated one.

Walking to the counter a handsome boy around my age looks at me and smirks, I scold him a place the rest on the counter top making his face scrunch in distaste.

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