My day was ruined

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He felt so depressed because he cared her too much, but she didn't even see his texts, making him so hopeless and unhappy. " I have just had a good day, but now it is spoiled, " said a man, adding that the girl was the person who made his day and she was the only person who made him somber. How could he smile?
Later on, he decided to go off , a day without waiting for her because he knew that she didn't care and would never care him. The free time he used to spend waiting for her, now he decided to use his leisure time to try to study. He was not a knowledgeable person, who didn't get grade A in every exam. He said," the time you are left behind, is so precious." " She defied my expectations, but it's fine because I'm going to use it as an experience."
He wasn't a strong man and maybe this was his first time loving someone and he did fall head over heels in love with her. It was such a gloomy day for him because he fell short of his expectations, enabling him to be so sad. An hour later , an innocent man decided to check his phone. He then left another messages. He knew that he had to come because he really missed her so bad. He viewed her photos then he went off again. Another hour came , he checked his phone again to see whether she replied him or not, then what made him happy was that........

So everyone, do you think that he is going to have a good day or will she make him unhappy again ? See you the next chapter.

An innocent man Where stories live. Discover now