The promise

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Another day came , a girl woke up, seeing that lovely man was holding her hands while he was sleeping. She felt surprised and warm. " Thank God for sending him to me," she said. A moment later, a guy woke up, feeling tired. He suddenly felt shocked because he didn't see the girl, who he loved so much. He ran out of the room and looked for her. He was so afraid to be apart from her. He then could smile because he saw her. Actually she was getting fresh air. "I am so afraid when you're not with me," he said, " please do not go away from me," he added. He hugged her too tight, which made her uneasy to breathe. She smiled at him and said," I saw you were sleeping so I don't want to disturb you, and I just wanna get some fresh air." They stayed outside talking , enjoying the good atmosphere. They enjoyed their time together. They have been talking about 2 hours and that man had been holding her hands, without letting go because of afraid of losing. The girl suddenly asked him ," Why do you love me?"
That guy looked deeply into her beautiful eyes, which made him fall for her even deeper.
" Because.... you .. you are the reason that can make me happy." She told him ," you're amazing... I love you." He was very happy to hear that and he bravely promised her that he would love her until the end of his life.
He sang many songs for her. She was a music lover so she was happy to listen but what was awesome was that someone she loved, sang for her. She felt asleep on his shoulder. He kept looking at her, thinking of the future that they would be together and carry each other's hands. He had been staying around her to protect her and was so sacred to let her alone.

An hour passed , the weak girl woke up. She looked at him, while feeling tired. "Stay with me forever .., don't let me alone, you're the only one who are always there for me and every time." He replied her cheerfully ," I will , of course , I should and I've to," "I'll be there for you until the day I no longer breathe."

          Do you think he will do what he promised ? See you next chapter and hope you'll see whether he keeps his word or not.

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