The hidden truth

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It was early in the morning, and the man woke up from his tight sleep. He didn't look well, maybe he was sick. He tried to calm and didn't show to the girl, who was sleeping like a log. He couldn't manage to be fine because it hurt him too much, so he , a strong man, decided to go out to get fresh air. He didn't want to interrupt her sleep because she was still weak so she needed more time to rest. He ran to a silent place fast, and hid himself from others. His pain hurt him, making his tear dropped just like it was the end of his life because the pain that forced him until he couldn't even stay calm. His upper body hurt him just as much as his chest, that made him sweating. His sweat flew down just like waterfall. He suddenly tried to push himself toward and walked out to find the doctor but he couldn't. He couldn't breath, it was very hard and uneasy for him. He thought that bad thing was happening, but he also thought of the one who needed him and the only girl he loved appeared in his mind, his red eyes could imagine seeing her smiling in front of him, which made him try his best just to spend the rest of his life with her. He kept calm and tried to breath slowly. He made it, he was a bit well now. He rushed to find the doctor to talk about what was just happening.
When a girl woke up, she didn't see him, so she thought of him a lot. She thought maybe he went out to get some air or maybe he would have gone to buy some food. She thought of him and his gentle action, which enabled her to be on cloud nine. She smiled again , a beautiful smile. She went out and saw a big yellow sun, which was shining on the sky. She said ," a great day comes again.. maybe I'm back on the mend now, so I can go back home this evening." "It has already been many days for me to stay in this hospital, I don't really enjoy it because it's dull, I miss home and miss my things at home, yeyy, I'm going to see you soon," she added, with a joyful and healthy face. It was around 8:30 in the morning and I was a bit hot for her , so she decided to go back to her room and brought a book and read it happily and funnily. She had been waiting for his lovely man for 25 minutes and he still hadn't returned yet. It made her overthought and missing again.
An hour later , a gentle man came. He entered the room with a smile, he looked fine. He smiled at her and went close to her. He stared at her carefully. He brought some food with him, and he told her that he was sorry because he was going out to buy some food and also to get fresh air. She finally felt positive again because he was back with a lovely smile and restful face. They then enjoyed their breakfast together and they talked and talked , discussed a lot just like they had not talked for five days. They had a good day. "Thank you for today, my man," said a lovely girl , smiling at him cheerfully.

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