The sickness

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   It was true that their relationship kept on growing... and time really flew. It had been almost 4 years that they had stayed together and loved each other. So that man thought of throwing a party with her. He was thinking about a good plan and also to surprise her. He really loved her, since the beginning until now and he was going to love her even  more, so he was creating a plan to prop a question. He wanted to marry her . He was not from an opulent family, but he had saved ample money to buy a very beautiful ring.

      It was a summer and a hot afternoon, ran a strong man to the big mall looking for a very precious and lovely ring for his girlfriend. He then got a very nice one with a special price. He was very happy and was not happy enough to wait for the day he will  marry her, so he decided to prop the question that day night. He could not wait and he was a crazy and funny man who was thinking about marrying her and laughing like a happy idiot. He got a very good plan, and he would make it unforgettable and the most amazing plan that he had worked out.

     He bought fresh vegetables, meat and many special food. He then hurried home and cooked food. He was not a very good cook, but he loved his cooking skill. He exactly knew which food his girlfriend was fond of, so he cooked those and the smell was so exciting and mouthwatering. He called her to come to his house and he told her that he wanted to throw a party with her, so she agreed. He was running out of time, but a man who was always remiss in most of the thing, was now a very cautious man. He took care of every step he prepared his plan and wow, he did it. There were red candles lighting brightly on the table and shining like a red star. There were many palatable food on the table and they made his mouth water. There were many bottles of non-alcoholic drink because they both didn't like beer or wine. It was very romantic and he prepared it very well. By the time she came, everything had been done successfully.

    And here the girl... She opened the door with a surprised face. She felt very happy to see those. Then a man came and hold her hands. He had not done such a lovely thing before, so he was not brave enough to surprise her. He said "SURPRISE'' AND IT MADE THE GIRL LAUGH HAPPILY. He asked her to the table and then she saw her favorite food. She really knew that he remembered her favorite food so she had a very shy feeling.
Later, they enjoyed their food with a very romantic atmosphere. They talked about how their love started and the true feeling they felt with each other, which made them shy and happy. They talked about various and plentiful topics without feeling worried or bored.  Then a man saying I LOVE YOU and he quickly took the shining ring out of its box and showed it to her. He looked at her straightly with a lovely and full of love feeling and he asked her immediately "BE MY WIFE... I PROMISE TO WILL LOVE YOU UNTIL THE END OF OUR DAYS" 

    Those words made her shocked and she could not think of anything but only to say YES, she was about to reply him, but sadly he fell down and passed out. His disease happened again... it was already a very long time that he bravely tried to live because of this amazing love. It made her cry a lot and she suddenly called the doctor and sent him to the hospital. She hugged him tightly and was not brave to let go. She was afraid.. she thought of her bad dream that she had dreamt about. She cried and cried while waiting outside the hospital room.

      2 hours had passed , that girl still cried and felt falter. It could be the saddest day in her life. Then came a doctor and said , " IT WAS ALMOST 4 YEARS FOR HIM TO TRY TO LIVE WHILE KNOWING THAT HE HAD STROKE DISEASE, AND IT WAS LAST STAGE AND THE MOST SERIOUS ONE, I am sorry, I did not make it.. sorry, " The doctor was so shocked seeing how their love had been going. He shouted "He was such a pure man... an innocent man.. why god doesn't forgive him .... what has he done ,why death has to break two of them..." The doctor left while crying so hard.

     Talking about the girl, she ran into the room hugging him. She hold his hands and hugged him. She cried.. very hard. Suddenly it rained .. even the rain dropped sadly like tears of a lovely couple. She was not able to accept the truth and she still hugged him because she
trusted that he was alive. Then she passed out while holding a very pure man's hand.

   Thanks for having spend your precious time reading this story since the beginning to an end of this season .. Do you think he really died ? Or is it his tragic fate ? Hope to see you next time with good news.

Best wishes !

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