"You are different."

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He stayed with her for many days until she felt better. He always brought her the best feeling she had ever had. He made her warm... she could smile to him more and more. He was just like the best doctor, the best boy, the best brother, the best boyfriend,  the best adviser and carer. He spent most of his time holding her hands, hugging her when she was rejected.. some night she cried because she felt hurt and she usually overthought. He was the only person who stood next to her .. holding her hands and telling her to keep smiling. He was the only person who advised her .. he always gave the best perspective, advices that nobody in this life had ever given to her. He was her motivation. He inspired her to pursue her goals and to keep going through those snags fearlessly and bravely. He was the best leader who gave her the best thoughts and leaded her. He was like a doctor who stayed by her bed most of the time, asking how are you, how are you doing , are you okay, what's wrong, and he was the person who always reminded her to take medicine.. the only one who feed her food , who was willingly to do everything just to make her smile.
    She once asked him," aren't you tired ? you should rest, believe me , I am just doing well.. please go and rest or you might feel off-color."
He suddenly hugged her and said ," I am your  protector.. I won't let anything happen to you." He looked at her bravely and smiled. Then, that weak girl, who was just getting okay, kept quiet , because she was still wondering what she should say to him. She still felt sleepy, so she asked him to read a book for her. He took a book, adjacent to the bed, and read it for her. He had spent about 30 minutes reading while a girl just feigned sleep. 30 minutes passed , the book dropped on the floor. He, a lovely boy, tiredly fell asleep on her hand. She saw him that and felt unhappy for him. She looked at him sadly when she felt that he deserved someone better. But she also fell lucky to have found such a great boy. She smiled and smiled. "You are divergent from every man in this universe and that's what I define who you are," she whispered to his ear.

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