Why Sleeping With Martha

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Random person who's suddenly curious for chapter purposes: But wait, if John's gay then why did he sleep with Martha on the first place?

Good question, random person who's suddenly curious for chapter purposes. I can easily explain it to you, but we're gonna do it with memes, that way we avoid having me rant for two hours. I totally could, but I don't think you guys would want that.

So, why would John sleep with Martha Manning?

So, why would John sleep with Martha Manning?

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Martha was a lovely woman, but the way John acted showed that he wasn't exactly proud of what happened

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Martha was a lovely woman, but the way John acted showed that he wasn't exactly proud of what happened. When people ask this questing they have to consider the situation that not only John but most gay men during that time were trapped in. They didn't exactly have much choice, it was either fake it or never marry. And I don't think the second one was much of a choice for John on the first place. Eventually he was expected to marry a woman, but imagine how depressed-as-fuck-but-stubborn John felt when he realized that he didn't like women at all. He was only twenty-two when the wedding took place. He was young, depressed, with the weight of all his father's expectations on his shoulders, studying a career he didn't want, feeling guilty about his sexuality, and then the man he loves unexpectedly dumbs him. How do you think this emotionally unstable gay kid was gonna react? Well he's gonna try his hardest to be what everyone expects him to. And fail, also.

The memes didn't keep me from ranting, didn't they? Technically it's not a rant because I'm more emotional than angry but still.

Well shit, I'm sorry again.

On another note, why are people like "the letters aren't real evidence"?????? Letters are how we get a lot of the information we know about people from that period of time and the relationships between them, dismissing the Hamilton-Laurens letters as not real evidence makes absolutely no historical sense.

I'm excited about the next chapter but I'm also sad about it what

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