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So, this story is from a roleplay account I had on instagram and I never got to finish it so I decided I should just post it here and see what you guys think of it. Comment, vote, and enjoy! ^-^


I was running through the woods, scared out of my mind. There was something after me, I didn't know what. But, they were right behind me with every step, I'm sure of it. I didn't dare look behind me at the monster in which was causing me so much fear. I began to run faster, as fast as my small legs would take me. My small pink dress had been ripped and torn at all edges. And dirt was smeared all a crossed it, causing the bright colors to fade and become dull and dingy.

I could hear the crack of the branches behind me get closer and closer. I tried to run faster but my small figure couldn't handle much more of it. I continued to run trying to blink away my tears. Not looking or caring as to where I was headed, I ran straight into a tree or, at least what seemed like a tree. I fell back heavily and hit the ground hard.

When my vision cleared, I looked up, blood and tears dripping off my chin, I was faced with a 14 foot tall man wearing a suit. His limbs stretched out to be about 6 feet long each. He also seemed to have tentacles stretching from his back. But the only thing about him that gave me any fear was his featureless face, other then what seemed to be a smile under his pale skin. I screamed at the top of my lungs forgetting about the previous chase.

"There you are!" I looked behind me to see an obviously angered man standing behind me.

"Now Sally," his voice became softer. "You played the game. I was nice and gave you only one rule. One rule, Sal. But you broke that rule, now you have to take your punishment." As he raising the belt in his hand I began to scream once again forgetting about the other threat standing right behind me. Oh, how my mind slipped so easily. Right as the mans belt comes down, an arm? No, a tentacle wraps around his forearm. My uncle is bewildered as he looks up at the man. His eyes widened in fear.

"What the hell?! What are you?!" The tall, faceless man said nothing, he simply wrapped a second tentacle around my uncles throat. My face was soon smeared in blood from that of my now headless uncle's body. I watched in horror as it fell lifelessly onto the ground. After what seemed like forever, I turn my head towards the the faceless man. He simply placed his hand on my shoulder causing it to burn. I screeched in pain and quickly pulled down the shoulder of my dress to find a black circle with an X in the center. I looked up to find the man gone.

Monsters Need Love Too ((OlderSallyxJeff))Where stories live. Discover now