cнαρтεя 3 | ℓεcтυяεs αη∂ α∂vιcε

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~ three months later than last chapter ~

"Y/n! Wake up!" I look over to my sister who is shaking me awake. "What? I'm trying to sleep." I say grumpily and roll back over. "You have school dumbass." She says yanking the blankets off of me and smirking. "Fuck off!" I say tugging the blankets back and on me.

"MOM! Y/N REFUSES TO GET UP!" S/n yells  "Fine, fine, I'm up." I say putting my feet on the ground. "God, I hate you sometimes" I groan and head to my closet. I feel like shit right now, so I'm not really trying to put effort into myself. I throw on a black T-shirt and grey hoody over it. I then put on some black sweatpants.

I head into the bathroom and brush my hair sloppily before throwing it into a messy bun. I then put on a tad of mascara and brush my teeth. Eh, good enough. I really actually feel like shit today. I dunno why, but I have the urge to throw up.

It's almost like cramps. Like period cramps. I mean I should be getting my period soon I haven't had it yet this month, or last month, or the month before. "FUCK!" I scream and I immediately hear footsteps coming up the steps.

"What is it hon." I hear my mom on the other side sounding worried. "Mom, come in here for a sec." I say worriedly. She opens the door and steps in hesitatingly. "Mom, I missed my period. Three months in a row!" I say worried on what to do.

I never should of had sex with Cartman. Wait, we were using condoms right. Nononononono WE WEREN'T PROTECTED FUCKKKKKK. SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT.

"We are taking you to the hospital now." She says sternly, and grabbing my wrist tightly. She drags me down the steps and out the door, ignoring my dad trying to talk to her.

"Y/n! How could you let this happen! You're only 17!" She yells at me. "Mom, I'm sorry." I say starting to tear up. "Sorry isn't going to pass this time young lady."  "I was drunk!" I say spazzing out. Kind of like Tweek. I feel like ripping my hair out. However, it isn't positive yet.

My mom rushes me into the hospital and checks in with the lady at the counter. Goddamn this place reeks. Like badly. It smells like drugs. "Y/n L/n? I hear the nurse call and my mom and I follow her back into a room.

"So, what seems to be going on?" The nurse asks and I sit up and onto the bed. I open my mouth to speak but my mom cuts me off with her harsh speech. "We think she might be pregnant."

"Ok, well take this cup, and just piss in it." She hands me the cup and I exit the room and go to the nearest bathroom. I pull down my bangs and pee in the cup. Ew, gross.

I pull up my pants and walk back into the room, and the nurse is still there. I hand her the cup and I can see her gag. Me too, nurse, me too. She walks away with the pee sample and I sit back in the chair nervously. This answer can change my whole life.

I can always abort it though, right? No, I'm not that cruel. What about Cartman and I's relationship? He's probably going to hate me! And what about school! I'll be labeled the slut!

"Alright, we got the results." She says walking back into the room. By now, I'm at the very edge of my seat, I'm so nervous.! "The answer is, positive! Congratulations y/n! You are 3 months pregnant!"

Nonononononononononono FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. "Alright y/n. Let's have this nice nurse write you a school slip, and we'll have you off to school." My mom says clenching her teeth together. It's official. I'm going to be a mom, and my mom is pissed.

The nurse writes a slip and hands it to me and my mom and I head back to the car. We get in the car and drive to my school in silence. Once we get there, I get out and my mom quickly drives away. I grab my phone out of my book bag, that I was lucky enough to grab before leaving, and put it into my back pocket.

I walk into the school and head down into the office. It's 4th period as of now, one period til lunch. Good that means I only have to sit through 3 classes. And that includes lunch.

I go into the office and hand them my slip and they give me a slip to head to 4th period. I head to my science class with Ms. Ellen and hand her my note, before taking a seat next to Cartman.

"Where were you? I was getting worried." Cartman whispers. "I'll tell you later." I say trying to sound as calm as possible.

The bell finally rings and we are all sent off to lunch. Before going to lunch, I stop Kenny. "Hey, Ken, can I come over later? I need to talk to you about somethin, it's important." "Ok, Yea sure. After school you can get off the bus with me." I smile in return and head off to the lunch room.


School eventually ends and I find myself at Kenny's torn up house. We walk through his bedroom door and sit on his bed. "So, what did you need to talk to me about?" He asks. "Ok, before you flip out, the dad is NOT you. Dude, I'm pregnant." I say sighing. "DUDE SWEET!! Who's the dad?! How'd it even happen?!"

"That's just the problem. Cartman's the dad and it happened when we were drunk at Clyde's party 3 months ago." I say sighing. "Is that why you weren't at the bus stop?" He asks and I nod. "I'm afraid that it will break our bond. I don't want Cartman to hate me."

"He's not going to hate you. You should just tell him. Go, now. Go tell him!" Kenny says excitedly. I smile at his enthusiasm. "Thanks Kinny." I smile and he smiles back at me. "No problem dude, do you know how many weeks you are?" He asks and I shrug. "It's been exactly three months, so 12?" Kenny nods before opening the front door and shoving me out in the direction of Cartman's.

As I'm walking, I see him walk down the sidewalk looking in the direction of the pond. Is he looking for someone. He looks at me and smiles. "Just the person I was looking for." He says with a wide smile. So he WAS looking for someone. "Eric, I need to talk to you." Fatass seems taken back by the use of his first name, but then softly smiles. "I was just going to tell you the same thing. Wanna go to the park and talk?" He asks and I nod.

We walk across the street and to the park/pond and sit down on a bench in front of the pond. God, the scenery is so pretty. "You wanna go first?" He asks and I nod. "I don't know how you're going to take this-" Before I can finish, Cartman interrupts me. "Are you moving!?" I smile at his concern then shake my head. "I really don't know if this is going to be good news or bads news for you. It could go either way... you may hate me now..."

"Just get to the point already."

"Eric, I'm pregnant, and you're the father." 

Fatass's smile widens even wider. At this point, I don't think a human could possibly smile any wider. "And this makes this question I'm going to ask you have more reason."

"Y/N L/N, will you be my girlfriend?"


Heyyy, sorry for the cliffhanger.... I want you guys to know that I'm trying to let out as many chapters I can in the next week since I start school a week from tomorrow. Ew, it's going to be my last year before high school, aka my 8th grade year. I also wanted to tell you that I will start getting really busy once school starts. Within the first month I'm most likely going to move schools. And I know for a fact that I'm moving in general,,, so that will be fun :/

Welp thanks for your time to read my shitty work XP


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