cнαρтεя 8 | ηεω gιяℓ

558 14 5

(I hope you really like this chapter!)

Yay, tomorrow is my 18th birthday. In which means, I'll be an adult. Ew, no thank you. I'd rather not be an adult. I love how little kids are like 'I can't wait until I'm grown up and can be a mommy!'.  Well, a little lesson for you children. No, no, no.

I wake up and do my normal routine, before Eric and I exit the house, holding hands like always. As we are walking, we see the house next to us has a moving van in the driveway. "A new kid?" Eric asks and I shrug. "You never know, it can be an adult you know."

"Wanna go welcome them to the neighborhood real quick? We can walk to school if we miss the bus. Or I can drive." I ask and Eric shrugs. "I guess, if you want to." I smile before grabbing Eric's hand and walk up to the front door of the house that was just sold.

I knock on the door, before being greeted by a familiar face. "Y/n? I didn't know you moved to South Park!" The face, I know it way too well. The face of the mother of my best friend. Bsf/n (best friend's name). "Wait, when did you guys move here!?" I ask excitedly. "Last night." Mrs. bsf/l/n (best friend's last name) says.

"DID I JUST HEAR THE NAME Y/N!?" I hear a yell from upstairs which is none other than the voice of my best friend. I immediately hear footsteps coming down steps and see her. My mother fucking crazy best friend. I seriously hope she doesn't jump on me.

"Y/N!!" She yells and then runs over and hugs me lightly. "Dude, What is going on?" Eric asks in shock. "Who's this?" Bsf/n asks looking down at our hands. "I'm Eric Cartman, y/n's boyfriend. Most people call me Cartman though." Eric says sticking out his free hand for her to shake.

"Wait, since when have you been so polite!?" I ask in shock facing Eric and he shrugs. "So, do you two like know each other?" Eric asks and bsf/n laughs. "Know each other!? We've been best friends since 2nd grade!" Bsf/n screams almost.

I look down at my watch and read the time. "We still have time to get to the bus. Go get your book bag and shoes on!" I say and she does as I tell her. "I was not expecting that." Eric says laughing. "Neither was I."

Bsf/n comes back out ready to go and we all walk to the bus stop. When we get there, Kent, Stan, and Kyle are there. And Kyle and Stan are holding hands again. I guess it's just a couple thing. "Who is She?" Kenny asks looking towards bsf/n who is following behind us.

"This is bsf/n. She's new to South Park and my best friend from h/t (hometown)." I say letting her step in front of me, where a smile is plastered across her face. "Bsf/n, this is Stan, Kyle, and Kenny." I say pointing to each of them and watch her eyes follow my finger.

~~ time skip to after school ~~

I decided to invite bsf/n to Eric and I's house after school, and luckily, Eric was totally fine with it. So, here we are, all three of us, walking back to Eric's place. "Wait, so do you guys live together?" She asks and I nod.

"Why?" She asks and I roll my eyes, with the fact that my parents faces flashed in my imagination. "My parents kicked me out." I say making a fist. "Now, I know I'm not the one to usually ask questions, but, why?"

I sigh and roll my eyes again. I haven't told her that I'm pregnant. I never even thought too. I mean I am only three months and not like noticeable. "Well, wanna know the truth?" I ask nervously and she nods quickly.

"Well, they kicked me out cause I'm pregnant." I swear my eardrums must of broke when I heard her screech. "Y/n M/n L/n! How could you not tell me!" She says slapping my lightly on the shoulder.

"Uhh, because. I just told Stan and Kyle like yesterday or the day before or somethin." I say laughing. "Whatever dude." She says. We come to a stop in front of our house and walk inside, where Ms. Cartman was sitting on the couch and watching tv.

The rest of the night was pretty simple. Us watching Terrence and Philip or playing video games. Pretty typical night...

Word count: 783 words

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