cнαρтεя 14 | ғιηαℓℓү нεяε

441 15 9


The car ride only took about 5 minutes and next thing I know, we're pulling into the ER parking lot. "Hang tight, I'm going to go get y/n a wheelchair." Eric says getting out of the van. We all relax back in our seat and watch Eric walk into the hospital. "So, you excited y/n?" Kyle asks, trying to start a conversation. "Yea, to get him the fuck out of me."

"What are you naming him?" Stan asks looking back to face me. "We're naming him Arlo Luca L/n." I say and everyone 'aw's'. "Ok, I'm back. Someone help y/n out while I hold the wheelchair." Eric says opening the door to the van. Kenny pops up from the back and takes my hand, helping me into the chair. It's weird to feel someone's hand other than Eric's.

They get me into the wheelchair and start to the door of the hospital. I pull my phone out of my pocket and go directly to my messages. I pick my sister's name knowing that she is usually up at 3 in the morning. She just doesn't sleep.

Me- yo, are you up?

sista mista- yea, might I ask why u are

Me- is dad home?

sista mista- yea, he's going back to the hospital for mom in the morning tho

sista mista- why?

Me- do you remember when I was kicked out and told you why

sista mista- yea

Me- I'm kind of in labor and it's be nice if you guys could come to the Denver Hospital

Sista mista- of course we're gonna come! and why denver

Me- I was camping with some friends

sista mista- oh, well I'm gonna go get dad up, just text me the room number when you get in the room :)

Me- no problem, see ya later

sista mista- byeee

Before I know it, there is a nurse wheeling me into a room with the guys following behind me. "Who's the father?" She asks looking back to the guys and Eric raises his hand. "Now, young lady, how many weeks along are you. We need to know to be able to put you in the right room for delivery." I think to myself, I tend to forget things very easily. "35 weeks." I say after making sure it was the correct number. 

The nurse stops in front of a room. "Alright, this is the room. Number 557." She says and I look at the number on the wall. She wheels me into the room and parks the wheelchair before helping me out and onto the bed. "I'm going to need you to take everything off except for your underwear and throw this on." She says handing me a hospital gown.

"There is a bathroom in the corner. I'll go get more chairs for your guests." She leaves the room and I walk over to the bathroom, going inside and closing the door behind me. I try to quickly change and then head back into the hospital room. I lay back down on the bed and take off my shoes, sitting them on the ground next to it.

"Want me to text your parents?" Eric asks once I get situated. "Nah, I already texted my sister and my mom is in a different hospital." I tell him before grabbing my phone once again. I pull up the messaging and text s/n. 

me- are you guys coming?

sista mista- yea we are on our way now, what room are you in?

me- room 557,, i just realized you never got to meet the father

sista mista- oh really? who is it?

me- His name is Eric Cartman

sista mista- I've heard the name but never met him

drunken mistake - cartman x readerWhere stories live. Discover now