cнαρтεя 5 | нεя тσσ!?

707 23 15

Cartman kisses me goodbye before I exit his room and head downstairs. I walk out the door and into the cold April air. Most people love the month of April because it starts getting warmer in other states and it rains and stuff starts growing. But, in Colorado, it's totally different. It's still snowing. Not that I don't like the cold weather, in which I do, but I don't like when it snows ALL the time. 

I walk over to Bebe's house, in the snow. I wonder what was so bad that made her cry. Like I mean seriously. I've never heard Bebe cry in my life, even though I just met her 6 months ago. As soon as I reach her house, I don't even have to knock. The door swings wide open before I have the chance to. "Thank God you're here." She says releasing a relieved sigh.

"Ok, so, now what was so bad that you had to come crying to me on the phone?" I ask and she seems frustrated. "Follow me up the steps." She says starting to shake a bit. She leads me up the steps and into her purple wallpapered room. "Wait here." She says walking out of the room and into another room, in which I assume is the bathroom. What does she need from the bathroom?

She walks in with a white stick in her hands. What the hell is that? "Ok, what is this?" I ask and she approaches me slowly. She hands me the stick, tears forming in her bright green eyes. I look down at the stick where there are two pink lines and some wording next to it. The wording says, 'One line: not pregnant  Two lines: pregnant' "A pregnancy test?" I ask and look up and her in which she nods. "Look at the lines."

I look back down at the lines, in which I realize that means she's pregnant. Her too? "That makes the two of us." I say chuckling for some reason. Her face turns to confusion. "I'm pregnant too, dumbass." I say chuckling. She finally smiles at me. "WHAT!? How long have you known!? Why didn't you tell me!?" I laugh at her sudden outburst.

"Calm down. I just figured out this morning. Aaaaaand my parents kicked me out.' I say chuckling once again. "Y/N L/N SHUT YOUR MOTHER FUCKING TRAP!! IT ISN'T REMOTELY FUNNY THAT YOU GOT KICKED OUT!" Bebe screeches with a slight laugh. "Ok, Ok, it isn't. But, more about you now. Who's the father!?" I ask and she tenses up. "Kenny McCormick. It happened the night of Clyde's last party he threw." My mouth drops.

"Shut up!" I say in astonishment. "First off, I got pregnant the same night. And second, the first person I came to was Kenny to ask him how I should tell the dad." I say and Bebe looks back at me. "Was he calm about it? Plus, I want to know who the dad is!" She says clapping her hands together like an elementary school girl. 

"Yes, he was calm. And the dad is Eric Cartman. Kenny seriously gave the best advice though. He told me to tell fatass, and when I did, Cartman asked me to be his girlfriend. In which, I said yes." I say smiling. Bebe smiles back at me. "So, should I tell Kenny?" 

"Of course you should. I believe in you girly."

"Thanks Y/n, you seriously are the best."

Word count: 575 words

Sorry for the short chapter,, I just wanted to add a little twist ;)

~~Jaelyn <3

drunken mistake - cartman x readerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant