cнαρтεя 11 | cαηcεя?

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Hearing a slight sound of beeping from my right ear, I pop open my eyes. What the actual hell is that noise. Like, I think I'm trying to sleep or somethin. I wanna punch it.

"You're finally awake!" I hear a voice exclaim before wrapping their arms around me. Before looking at the person, I check my surrounding. Let's see, white walls, counters, a sink, a heart monitor, yup, I'm in a hospital.

If there is one place I hate more than anything, it's the hospital. It literally reeks. It smells of drugs all the time. I mostly hate it when I'm the one that's sick or hurt. Then all attention goes to you. I hate attention so much.

I then looks to the person who has their arms wrapped around me. "E-Eric?" I stutter looking at the slightly plump boy on me. "Yes, it's me." He says releasing me from his gentle grip. "What happened? Why am I here? How long have I been here?" I ask, with my wording a bit too fast for myself to even understand.

"Prom night, while we were driving home, a semi truck ran right into my truck, hurting the both of us. You're obviously here because of that and because you kinda fractured your ankle and have a concussion. You've been here for 2 weeks in a coma. I've been here the whole time. Oh, and you woke up just in time. Tomorrow's the last day of school."

"Woah, woah, wait. How's the baby? Is it ok?" I ask panicked and he chuckles a bit. "He's fine." Wait, He? Did Eric just say he? "Wait, say that again." "I said, he's fine." CORRECTO! I was right! "So it's a boy!?" I ask surprised with a smile. "Yup." Eric replies with a large smile as well. "So if it's been two weeks, I'd be about 20 weeks?" I ask and he nods.

"Well fuck, graduation is in a week! I better be out of this damn hospital by then." I say with a small laugh. "Yeah, I hope. It's been weird without you back home and with the guys." I smile at him. "Aww, that's so sweet. You thinking about me."

A few minutes pass of Eric and I making small conversation, before the door bursts open all of the sudden. "Goddamn it y/n! You can't scare us like that!" Kenny says running over to the hospital bed and standing next to Eric.

"Yea, Dude, we were all fucking scared." Stan says rather casually. "All that matters is I'm fine now." I say shrugging and they all agree with me by nodding. "So, when do you get out of this stupid ass hospital?" Kyle asks playing with the heart monitor's chords like a little kid.

"I don't fuckin know. The doctors haven't even been in here yet. Prolly cause someone forgot to tell them I was up?" I say glaring at Eric. "Whatever. I'll be right back." He says plainly before getting up and heading out of the room. "So, how do you feel knowing that in 20 weeks you'll be a mom?" Kenny asks out of the blue.

"I dunno. Pretty good I guess. What about you being a dad" I reply and he shrugs. "I'm nervous. I mean imagine a mix of me and Bebe. I don't think that's gonna be good." Kenny chuckles. "What about a mix of me and Eric. Even worse." I laugh a bit. "You got me there."

A few more minutes pass and Eric and a doctor comes in. "Well, well, y/n is awake." The doctor says approaching me. "I have a few things to tell you about your condition." He pauses while I tune in. "The Baby is fine. Than that, you had a concussion, which has gone away, and you fractured your ankle in several different places. Should be a few months before that heals up. Other than that, everything seems fine." He says looking up from the clipboard He's holding.

"When will I be released?" I ask and he looks back down to his clipboard. "Today, I guess. You seem fine. Actually, you can go change right now and be on your way." He says smiling. "Anything else?" I ask and his face saddens. "Unfortunately yes." My smile drops. What happened? What's wrong?

"One of your family members was admitted to the hospital about 3 days after you were. I'm sure they'd be glad to see you. But, you must be gentle with her." He says giving a small smile. Sympathetic smile? "What room?" I ask and he looks back down at his clipboard, once again.

"Fourth floor, room 431." He says. "Alright, I must be on my way, y/n, also, you must be on crutches until your ankle heals. They're in the corner." He says exiting the room. "Goddamn it, I have to wear crutches!?" I say angrily before settling myself down.

"I brought you some clothes to change into when you first got admitted. They might be a bit big cause they're new and for pregnant dudes." Eric says handing me a pile of clothes. "Thanks." "Oh, and I got to choose the color of your cast." He says chuckling. I take the blankets off, which reveals the cast.

It's bright pink, with Eric's name signed huge on it with hearts, along with the other guys' signatures, but smaller. "Wow, that big?" I ask and he laughs. "Of course that big." He says. "Alright, I'm gonna go change. Someone hand me the damn crutches." I say impatiently and Kenny's the first one to run and grab them, before handing me them. "Thanks."

I go into the small bathroom and sit down on the toilet, with the toilet seat down, since I can't stand in a cast. I unfold the shirt and the wording sticks out to me. F/b... he got me a T-shirt of my favorite band!? YAY. I throw the shirt on with excitement and then grab the pants. Just casual jean. Then, my black and white vans. More like van since I can only wear one.

I grab the crutches and exit the bathroom and walk back into 'my' room. "Alright, lets go see this family member, who I have no idea which one it is." I say chuckling at the last part. Eric comes and walks by my side, til we get to the elevator and press the down button.

We all enter the elevator and I hit the four button. The elevator door closes and now we wait. Aaaaaand the doors open. We step out and I look up at the signs. I look to the right in which a sign is labeled 'rooms 430-445' I start in that direction and the guys follow me.

I stop in front of 431 and knock before walking in. The scene scares me. My father sitting in a waiting chair, dark bags under his eyes, eyes also red and puffy, almost as he was crying. I look to the center of the room and I about cry.

There, sits my mother, hooked up to breathing tubes, a heart monitor, her back slouched over, reading a book actually, before she looks up and looks directly in my eyes. I see her tear up before she smiles. "I thought you'd never want to see me again." She says, her voice shaky.

"I mean, I was pissed, but that doesn't give me a reason to never make eye contact with you again." I say with a laugh. "Yea... I'm glad you're here." She says. "That leads me to ask, why are you here?" I ask and her smile drops to a frown. "I was diagnosed with cancer. Actually too far in the stages to take medication. Therefore, I have to stay here. And might I ask why you're in a cast and crutches." She looks down at my leg.

"Car accident." I shrug. "So, who's the father of the baby. I never got to ask." Before I could even open my mouth, Eric steps in front of me. "I'm the father m'am." Eric says properly, with a smile. "Well, Eric Cartman, never thought that would happen." She says straight faced. "Got a problem?" He asks shrugging then crossing his arms. "Nope, it just never crossed my mind."

"Well, it's getting late, we should probably go so that we can get good sleep before school tomorrow." I say pulling out my phone and looking at the time. "Oh, alright. I'm sorry for the way I acted. I love you honey." She says with a soft smile planted on her lips. "Love you too."


Ok, I'm gonna start a new series of stories on here. Yes, they are South Park related. It's actually a Melanie Martinez series. I got the idea from Blazedarkness  cause I really enjoyed the first one of their series on it!! The first book prolly won't come out for about a month or two by the way! Anyways good morning, night, evening, or whatever time it is for you!! Byeeeee

~ Jaelyn

Word count: 1519 words

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