cнαρтεя 15 | нσмε

405 10 18

I tried to get a photo of what Arlo would look like sleeping XD ^^^

The nurse comes back in, Arlo in her hands, him wrapped in a blue blanket with a blue hat on. "Alright, this little guy is good to go! I'm going to be right back with the birth certificate for one of the parents to fill out. Now, you know how to hold a baby right?" The nurse asks and I nod. "Do I look 5?" I ask with a chuckle. She hands me Arlo and I smile widely. "Some time today you will need to breast feed him before you use formula." She says and I nod.

I look at Arlo and smile. I did it. I had a child. I am a mother now. He depends on me. I look down at him and brush the hair out of his eyes. "Who knew a baby could have so much hair?" I chuckle. I look closely at his features. He has Eric's bright blue eyes and brown hair. He looks to be built like me and has my nose.

I see Arlo look up at me and I swear he smiled. "Eric, would you like to hold him?" I ask and Eric nods over and over. I lift Arlo up and hand him to Eric. Eric cuddles him and smiles. I pull out my phone and take a picture of them. I save it and then add a caption 'my boys <3'. I tag Eric then post it. They look adorable, no joke. "Okay, I have the certificate. Here ya go! I'l getcha unhooked from all this equipment and you guys can be on your way!" The nurse hands me a piece of paper and a pen. I fill it out, some of the things were already filled out.

Name: Arlo Luca L/n

Date of Birth: September 14, 2018

Time: 9:34 am

Weight:  5 pounds, 3 ounces

Length: 14 inches long, 6 inches wide

Physical features: light brown hair, diamond blue eyes

Parents: Y/n M/n L/n (mother) Eric Theodore Cartman (father)

"Here ya go ma'm" I say handing her the certificate and she takes it, sets it on the counter and then comes over to me and takes the IV out of my arm. She also disconnects the rest of the things connected to me. "Alright, I'm going to need you to breast feed him real quick so that we know he will drink the milk." The nurse says and Eric gives Arlo back to me.

I remove the top half of my shirt and put the baby up to my nipple and he starts sucking on it. (AHA I'M SORRY XD) "He drinking it?" The nurse asks. "Yup." He continues to suck. (GOD I'M DISAPPOINTING MYSELF XDDD) "That's all I needed. Here is your release form, and you may go whenever you are ready. Just lay the hospital gown on the bed." The nurse says leaving and shutting the door behind her.

"Yo, I'm gonna go get changed. Wanna change him?" I hand Arlo to Eric and get out of the bed. "Kyle, where'd you put my clothes?" I ask and he tosses a pile of my clothes to me. "Thanks." I go into the bathroom that is connected to my room and get changed. I put on the black ripped jeans and the My Chemical Romance t-shirt that was there. 

I put on my black vans and exit the bathroom, grabbing the hospital gown to put on the bed. I come back into the room and lay it on the bed. "Alright, I'm ready." I say and everyone gets up. We all start leaving and Eric comes up to me. "Dude, we don't have his car seat. It's at the house." Eric says and I stop. "Shit, I can hold him in the car." I say and he nods, Arlo smiling in his arms. 

"Aww, Eric, look, he's smiling at us." I say and Eric looks down at him and smiles. We exit the hospital rather quickly and my dad walks up to me and Eric. "When you guys make it home, I'm sure your mother would like to see him." My dad says with a smile and I nod. "Don't worry, I'll make a visit." I say and he smiles before walking away.

Everyone loads into the van and Eric hands Arlo to me. I climb in the very back with my son, Bebe coming and sitting next to me. "He is so cute." Bebe smiles and pinches his cheeks. "Let me tell you this, whatever you do, do NOT deliver naturally." I say with a chuckle. "Don't worry, I defiantly won't."

The van starts up and leaves, and before I know it, we stop. I look outside and realize that we're at the campsite. "Y/n, you can stay in here. I'll get all your stuff." Eric says and I smile. "Such a gentlemen." I whisper. "He defiantly wasn't like that once." Bebe snickers. "Before you moved to town, wowie, he was a dick. Everyone actually has respect for him now, ever since you moved here." We hear a scoff from outside the van. "Bebe... I'm hurt." Eric says with a chuckle before he rolls his eyes and goes back to what he was doing.

After about 20 minutes of the guys packing up, we get back on the road and on our way home. "Y/n?" I hear Eric say from in front of me. "Yea?" I ask. "Do you want me to hold Arlo? You look tired." I nod and carefully pass Arlo up to the seat in front of me. I take out my phone and earbuds and listen to music, until I pass out.


I wake up by a violent shake, "Yo, Y/n,  you're back home." I look to Bebe and then out the window and realize that the van is parked in my driveway. I sleepily stretch and get myself up, getting out of the van. I walk up to the door where Eric was struggling to get it open with Arlo in his hands. "Allow me?" Eric hands me the keys and I open the door. I look to Arlo who is fast asleep in Eric's arms. "I'll put him in his crib. Go unload the stuff out of the van." I say and he nods. 

I take Arlo out of Eric's hands and head into his room. I lay him in his crib and cover him up to his waist with my tiny blanket that I've had since I was born. Luckily, the blanket is blue. My parents wanted a surprise gender, so they picked a random color of a blanket. I turn on the baby monitor and take the walkie talkie that was hooked up to it and put it in my back pocket. 

I go back outside and help Eric with the rest of our stuff. We're finally home....

word count: 1156 words

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