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because of you
i can
feel myself
becoming the me
have always
-a nobody

"i just don't understand who is doing this to me?" cyrus questioned, reading the third note he's received this week. he hated to admit it, but he always looked forward to seeing a new note in his locker at the end of his day. he finally felt like he was important in someone's life, but he still couldn't help but feel this was a cruel prank.

"yeah, it's a little weird. they should just come up to your face and say it, not write some dumb letter for you to find everyday. it's never going to go anywhere this way." buffy groaned, continuing on, "if it were me, i would've already been dating the dude. i would've told them flat out how i felt."

"ok first of all, this person isn't you and not everybody acts this way. second of all, that's a lie because you still haven't told marty your feelings, and third of all, it's romantic! a shy boy pours our his feeling to his love everyday, but hides behind a fake name because they are too scared to show their real self. sounds like a movie, right?" buffy rolled her eyes and let out a small laugh.

"not really, but whatever floats your boat, cy." buffy linked arms with cyrus and walked out of the school. they were on their way to meet their friend andi at her apartment because she wasn't in school today. they assumed she was sick, but that wasn't stopping them from seeing their best friend.

"you have to tell andi about this. she will actually flip." buffy babbled on as cyrus half listened to her. he was too much in his head.

this mystery boy was taking over his life and he's only known about him for three days.

i guess it doesn't take much for cyrus goodman to fall in love.

"cyrus? cyrus! are you even listening to me?" buffy stopped on the first step to andi's apartment and turned around to look at him.

"sorry, i'm really in my head right now. i didn't mean to drift off." cryus told the truth. he didn't like lying to his friends because that just resorted to conflict in the long run.

buffy sighed and turned on her heals, jogging up the rest of the stairs. "it's fine." she huffed, knocking on the front door. cyrus quickly caught up with her and followed her into the house.

"hi bex. is andi home?" buffy asked, shutting the door behind us.

"yeah, but i don't know if you guys want to go in there. she's been sick for the past couple days." bex informed, switching the channels on the television.

"that's ok—well it's not ok that she's sick but we can handle a little germ." cyrus fumbled over his words and buffy shook her head in amusement, pulling him along to andi's room.

"andi, cyrus has something to tell you!" buffy squealed whole barging into her bedroom, causing andi to scream. she wasn't expecting her friends to come and visit her.

"oh my—you guys! a warning would've been nice! i think i just had a heart attack!" andi held her chest as she tried to slow down her breathing.

"sorry." they replied, already getting comfortable in her room.

"i don't really have anything to say—"

"he has a secret admirer!" buffy blurted out over him, not being able to keep the secret.

"what!" andi's sat up in her bed, becoming more intrigued with the conversation. "what do you mean?"

"i've been receiving letters from a mystery boy the last few days while you were gone." cyrus admitted, looking down at the ground in embarrassment.

"and you know for a fact it's to you?" andi questioned, making sure this was 100 percent true before she freaked out.

"the letters have my name on them."

"do you have any with you?" andi beamed as her stomach boiled in excitement.

cyrus nodded as he proceeded to pull all three of them out of his backpack and give them to andi. "just don't laugh, ok?"

unlike buffy, andi decided to read all three of them out loud.

"'from the first time that i saw you, i knew you were special.
and from then on you've never left my mind.
everyday i discover i love you even more
and in this infinite universe
i will love you to the ends.
-a below average boy' whoa, cyrus. this is insane!" andi gawked and picked up the next note. "'he didn't mean to fall in love with him. this wasn't the plan, he told himself, but he couldn't ignore love. some piece of him, despite  having his heart broken once before and a thousand promises that never saw the light of day, decided that this love was worth the risk because he didn't know love could feel this way.' this poetry is beautiful. he seems like a real intellect. can find too many of those these days." andi joked and continued to read out the last one that cyrus received not even an hour ago. "cyrus, i'm actually speechless! you have to find out who this person is!"

"i can't. i don't even know how to get in contact with them." cyrus sighed, feeling quite defeated.

"write a letter and tape it to your locker. then when they put it in your locker, they will see it and take it. trust me, it'll work." andi advised, hoping cyrus would say yes to her plan.

"i think i might wait a little while. i just want to make sure this is not some prank before i get too deep into it." cyrus spoke, uncertain with his own plan.

"whatever. but you know either way you're going to end up falling for him. might as well start talking earlier."


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