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cyrus goodman and tj kippen sat next to one another on the couch, desperately trying to keep their eyes open as the movie up played on the tv.

cyrus gave in pretty quickly, letting his eyes fall shut. he was too tired to try and open them again, so he decided to doze off.

"hey cyrus." tj piped up, noticing how sleepy the boy was. cyrus jumped at the sudden noise, everything sounding louder than it really was because he was so tired. "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to startle you, i was just going to say you can go home and sleep if you'd like. i don't want you to think that you're forced to stay here." tj spoke slowly and quietly out of drowsiness, hoping cyrus would accept his offer. it's not that tj hates being with cyrus, he loved that more than anything in the world, but he was very tired himself and he wanted to take a nap.

"i'm ok." cyrus slurred. he only said that because he was too tired to walk himself home. "you sure? you seem pretty tired? how come?" tj asked, examining cyrus' facial expressions. he wanted to see how he reacted.

"i just couldn't sleep, that's all." cyrus replied, sliding further down the back of the couch, closing his eyes yet again.

"i'm sorry."

"don't be, it's not your fault." cyrus said, a matter of factly. what cyrus didn't understand is that it was his fault. he kept him up all night. he didn't mean too, but he still did it.

"hey, i know something that will wake you up." tj lit up, smirking, although cyrus couldn't see him.


"how does an ice cream sundae sound?" tj suggested. he watched as the boy next to him opened one eye, looking back at him with curiosity.

"i think it sounds amazing."

"can you go into the top pantry and get the toppings?" tj asked, collecting the ice cream out of the freezer.

"sir yes sir!" cyrus saluted and made his way over to the table to get a chair. he knew he wouldn't be tall enough to reach the cabinet, so he wanted the chair just incase.

he slid it across the floor, the room being filled with a loud scrapping sound. tj wasn't paying much attention to what was going behind him since he had his own tasks to do.

cyrus placed the chair where he wanted it, and climbed onto it, finally being able to reach the cabinet. he grasped onto the handles, opening it to reveal what's inside. there was many items for cooking, like spices and oils, but on the other side there were more decorative toppings.

he grabbed the rainbow sprinkles, chocolate chips, crushed oreos, and gummy bears, holding onto every single item.

"cyrus, what are you doing?" tj chuckled, confused as to what the boy got himself into when he wasn't watching.

"doing what you told me to, why?"

"why are you on a chair?" tj questioned, still laughing slightly at the sight in front of him.

"i couldn't reach..." cyrus trailed off, growing embarrassed at the situation.

"of course you couldn't." tj shook his head jokingly as he placed the ice cream on the counter, along with the whipped cream and chocolate syrup.

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