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ever since the incident with tj yesterday, cyrus has been slightly off from his normal self. it really hurt his feelings, but he didn't want to admit it fully.

although he just met tj, he was completely torn by his actions. cyrus was so nice to him, so why did he act so rudely in response? he knew it shouldn't have affected him in the way it did, but he couldn't help it. he was sensitive.

cyrus limped down the school hallway, trying to get to his next class. he knew he would be late because of his stupid limp that tj caused.

when tj pushed cyrus off of him, he twisted his leg in the process, sending jolts of pain through cyrus' body. it has gotten slightly better over night, but it was still painful to walk on.

"hello?" he heard someone call out from behind him, which made him jump slightly because he thought he was the only one in the hallway.

cyrus turned around to see tj standing at the end of the corridor, watching him intently. "why aren't you in class?" he asked, beginning to walk again to catch up to cyrus.

"i don—"

"oh my—what happened?" tj questioned, noticing how cyrus was limping.

"i slept on it funny, i guess." cyrus lied through his teeth, trying to avoid eye contact with tj. he didn't want to tell him the truth.

"do you need help?" tj asked, furrowing his eyebrows in worry.

"i'll be fine. go to class tj." cyrus replied, limping along.

tj chuckled in response, but cyrus was utterly confused. what was so funny?

"you think i actually go to class? that's funny." tj replied, walking slowly to match cyrus' pace.

"can you just let me be so i can get to class?" cyrus stopped in his tracks and looked up at the boy in annoyance.

tj bowed his head and turned on his heals, walking in the opposite direction. as he walked down the hallway, it dawned on him, sending panic through his body. "wait!" tj screamed, turning his body around. "are you limping because of me?" his eyes went wide as cyrus stopped in his tracks, not knowing how to reply.

"it doesn't even matter anymore. just leave me alone."

it was the end of the day yet again and the only thing that cyrus was looking forward to was the love letter waiting for him in his locker.

but to cyrus' surprise, there was absolutely nothing.

his heart sank as his smile faltered. he was insanely disappointed and slightly heartbroken, although he didn't want to admit it.

he sighed, slamming his locker shut. he didn't mean to be so forceful, but he couldn't help it. he was upset.

his secret admirer forgot about him.

just like everybody else did.

he's had many friends come and go. the people in his life moved on from him quickly, and he never knew why. this made him confused as to why andi and buffy had stuck around for so long, but he'd rather not ask. he was too afraid of them realizing and leaving him as well.

as cyrus turned to leave the hallway, his secret admirer watched him from afar, gripping onto the note in their hands. they got caught up with a teacher last period and practically ran to cyrus' locker, but they were completely devastated to see him already there.

"hey little man. are you heading out?" tj spoke up as he watched cyrus walk pass him like he wasn't even there. he hid his arm behind his back and smiled at him, but that quickly turned into a frown when he realized cyrus was ignoring him. "i know you said to leave you alone, but that's not something i can do. you helped me, so i owe you one. i mean if it's what you want then i—"

"tj. it's ok. i'm not mad at you or anything. i'm just disappointed from something else, that's all." cyrus spoke, looking down at his shoes as he walked down the hall. he gripped onto the straps of his backpack out of anxiety. he didn't really know why he was anxious, but that's just how it was sometimes. the feeling came and went throughout the day, even if there was no reason for it to be there. "my name is cyrus by the way."

"i know."

love letters ; tyrusWhere stories live. Discover now