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cyrus glanced down at tj's hand, watching it sway gently by his side. his heart fluttered, feeling his own hand slowly reach out for the taller boys.

he clasped their hands together, feeling tj's warm skin on his soft ones, shyly squeezing into them like his life depended on it.

cyrus brought his eyes up to meet the emerald ones that were already staring back at him. "just incase i faint." cyrus batted his eyes innocently, smiling lightly at the rosy cheeked boy.

he knew what he was doing, and he didn't know how he gained the confidence for it. it must've been tj's touch on his lower back, sending a serge of power through cyrus' body.

"o-of course." tj coughed as he began to be dragged to the back room by cyrus.

cyrus dropped tj's hand slowly, letting his fingertips linger for a second. he could feel the desperateness radiating off of tj as he tried to hold on. cyrus let tj walk in first as he closed the door behind them carefully, watching tj's every move. "thank you for staying with me tj." cyrus acknowledged, keeping his innocent act on. he walked over to the bed, climbing into it slowly. he wanted to make sure tj was watching his every move.

cyrus tried to get comfortable, but he ended up just pouting at the boy in the chair in front of him. "teeejayy." cyrus whined, holding out his name.

"what can i do for you, little man?" tj questioned, still red in the face from the previous events.

"i'm not comfortable." cyrus crossed his arms and stuck out his bottom lip, clearly looking upset and childish.

"there's sweatpants in the drawer over there if you'd like to change." tj pointed out, gesturing to the bathroom door.

cyrus smiled and climbed out of bed, making his way over to the drawers. he placed his hands on the smooth oak wood and slid his hands across the exterior, finding the handles to open it.

as he rummaged through the piles of pants, he grabbed onto a grey pair and held them up to tj. "do you think these will fit?" he asked innocently, showing off his legs.

"mhm." tj let out, beginning to feel flustered. 'something was definitely up with cyrus.' tj thought, knowing that this is not how he normally acts.

"great." cyrus smiled and turned around to face the draw, carefully placing his hands on the waist of his jeans. without even thinking, he slid off the dark blue pants and kicked them off, bending over to pick them up. as he came back up, the old cyrus kicked back in, feeling a state of panic rush through his veins.

he was standing there in front of his crush in boxers.

his eyes went wide as he turned himself around. "don't look!" he blurted out, looking back at a wide eyed tj who was already looking away.

"i'm not!" tj blurted back, his heart racing a mile a minute. 'what was this boy thinking!' tj thought, his eyes jumping around the back wall frantically.

"turn around you can still see!" by this point, both of he boys were flustered and panicked. yeah it was only cyrus in his boxers, that was just like shorts, but it was still weird for the both of them. he was in his underwear in front of his crush who liked him back.

cyrus quickly changed into the sweatpants and climbed back into the bed, pulling the covers up to his face. "all done." cyrus squeaked out. every drop of confidence had left his body by this point, and now he was just utterly embarrassed with himself.

tj hesitantly turned himself around, feeling relieved to see cyrus in bed once again. "um, get some rest, cy." tj fumbled over his words, feeling like a complete idiot. he wished he never offered to come back here with cyrus.

cyrus stared up at the ceiling, as silence took over the room. his eyes raced over the random designs in the ceiling as he made pictures out of them in his mind.

minutes went by, but it felt like hours to the two boys. none of them knew what to say. tj thought cyrus was trying to sleep, so he didn't want to speak up, but that was the complete opposite of what was happening. cyrus' mind was racing as he tried to get out the right words to say.

'just say it, what's the worst that could happen?'

'you know he likes you, he will say yes.'

'on the count of three cyrus, 1. 2. 3. no i can't do it!'

'stop being a baby and just do it.'


"tj i'm still cold." cyrus blurted out. it wasn't what he was planning on saying, but he couldn't take it back now.

"do you want my sweatshirt?"

cyrus swallowed his anxiety and tightly held his eyes shut. "can you just come and lay with me." cyrus rushed over his words and the nauseous feeling came back instantly.

tj didn't respond, which scared cyrus until he felt the left side of the bed weigh down. he opened his eyes and looked next to him, looking back at a very stiff tj. sure they've cuddled before, but it wasn't anything over the top. it was only on the couch when they were sitting down.

none of the boys moved a muscle. they had absolutely no idea about what they were doing, or how to do it. both of their minds were running, as they laid of their backs, staring up at the ceiling.

the only noise that filled the room was the sounds of their heavy breathing and the occasional sound of the comforter rustling as they moved their legs ever so slightly.

"where's your hand?" tj squeaked out. this surprised cyrus. tj was always the confident one, he definitely didn't seem like the type to get anxious.

"right here." cyrus whispered as he connected his hand with tj's, feeling his fingers brush against cyrus skin.

as soon as he felt tj's thumb run up and down the side of his hand, he instantly relaxed into the mattress, letting his head fall onto the boy's shoulder next to him.

he soon felt weight in his own head and he smiled to himself, feeling safer with every second that went by.

cyus grew drowsier from the feeling of  tj's free hand running through his hair, twisting and playing with his dark brown locks. his smile grew bigger as he let himself fall asleep to tj's quiet hums that filled the emptiness of the room.

as cyrus began to fall into dream land, tj admired the boy in his arms. his heart bursted with love for him, so much that it ached. he loved everything about cyrus. he loved the way his nose twitched as he tried to fall asleep and he loved the way that his lips curled into a perfect smile. he completely adored the way cyrus clung onto tj's sweatshirt with his free hand in a loose fist. it was the little things that melted tj's heart.

it was the little things that made tj kippen fall in love with cyrus goodman.

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