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it has been a week since cyrus has started receiving letters in his locker everyday at the end of school, and he couldn't be more confused and in love at the same time.

it was currently lunch time on a monday and he patiently waited for his friends to arrive at the table he reserved for them.

"hey cy guy, where's the rest of the crew?" jonah smiled and set his bag down on the table, taking the seat next to cyrus.

"not sure." cyrus tensed up, feeling slightly uncomfortable with jonah being so close to him. before this secret admirer came into cyrus' life, cryus was all over jonah. not literally, but in his mind. he had the biggest crush on that boy for as long as he could remember, but he could slowly start to feel it fade as the new feelings for his mystery man poured in.

"here they come!" jonah pointed out, a smile growing on his face at the sight of his friends.

"cyrus. have you followed through with the plan?" buffy asked, throwing her things onto the table and plopping herself down in the chair in front of him. andi approached the table with more grace, sitting down gently in her chair and then proceeding to place her belongings on top of the pile of things.

cryus' face turned pale as he slightly shook his head at buffy, tilting his head towards a confused jonah sitting next to him. they all agreed on keeping this just between them, but clearly buffy forgot. "oh right." buffy sighed, turning to look at andi who was already looking back at her with a sardonic smile.

"anyways, jonah, what time is practice today?" andi asked, changing the subject causing cyrus to relax.

"right after school." he replied, turning to cyrus to continue. "can you please come today? i know it's not a game, but we would all still love to have you there." he pleaded, hoping cyrus would agree.

"of course. i wouldn't miss it for the world."

dear cyrus,
it is so easy for me to love you
that it frightens me.
i've never been good at anything,
but i've never wanted anything so much as
i want to hold you every waking minute
and every night while i sleep.
the question has ceased to be,
"how do i love you?"
and has become,
"how would i ever stop?"
love, a boy who is way too head over heels for another boy.

cyrus smiled as he shoved the note into his backpack and made his way outside to the field, skipping down the hallway in pure admiration. he was fully swooning over a boy he doesn't even know and that was a scary thought for him, but he also kind of enjoyed it.

he finally felt loved.

cyrus pushed open the glass doors and continued to skip over to where the ultimate frisbee practice was being held.

since he was a little bit late, which was unusual for cyrus, he didn't say a word to anybody and he sat down on the grass right next to his table.

he started picking at all the small weeds in the ground, the ones that looked like small flowers that he loved so much. he was stuck in his own little world, not paying mind to anybody else, unless they needed him.

he wove the flowers together, making an intricate design out of something so plain. he giggled to himself as he felt the cool breeze tickle his skin as he continued to pick more weeds for his project. maybe he was acting slightly childish, but he didn't care. he didn't really think anybody would be paying attention to him anyway, but boy was he wrong.

just across the field on a small black court, there was a boy whose heart was busting with love for him. he couldn't take his eyes off of cyrus as he placed the small flower crown on top of his head and smiled to himself.

he was so caught up in this storm of love that he didn't realize that a ball was coming right at him, straight for his head.

as it made contact with the boys face, he fell backwards in shock, landing hard on his back.

the sudden commotion made cyrus look over in curiosity, along with some of the others playing frisbee. at first he didn't realize what had happened, but as the people on the court started to surround the boy on the ground, cyrus knew he has to come to the rescue.

he sprung up from the ground and grabbed the supplies he needed, jogging over to the basketball court to see what was wrong. "what happened?" cyrus squeaked out, trying to look over the much taller boys shoulders to see the 'accident.'

"we don't need outsiders crowding, get lost girly boy." one of the boys snarled back at cyrus.

"i have supplies to help." he whispered looking at the ground. it upset him that he wasn't able to help. helping people was his favorite thing to do.

"guys get away from me." cyrus heard someone snap, but he couldn't tell who was saying it. as the crowd dispersed, cyrus kept his heels planted on the concrete, not moving a muscle.

"are you just gonna stand there, or are you going to help me?" the boy asked, holding his head in pain.

"sorry-" cyrus choked out, jolting out of his day dream.

"don't be sorry. at least you're the only one willing to help." cyrus nodded as he kneeled down over the boy, straddling his waist to get a better view of his head.

it was purely innocent, obviously cyrus thought he wouldn't mind if he sat on his legs, but the boys mind started spinning faster than it already was.

"let me take a look." cyrus grabbed onto his wrist, pulling his hand off of his face. cyrus noticed his forehead getting more red by the second, but nothing seemed too bad.

as cyrus scanned the boys face, he admired cyrus sitting on his lap. he loved the way his flower crown sat crooked on his hair and how his hair wasn't 'perfect' anymore, but it was more curly and wild than it was at the start of the day. he adored the way cyrus blinked more than the average human and how his eyebrows twitched every so often.

he was madly in love with cyrus' puppy dog eyes. the ones he dreamed about seeing this close every night. he loved how dark they were, but they seemed so open and inviting. they weren't just brown eyes to him. they were beautiful.

"i think you're going to be ok, champ." cyrus smiled at the boy and patted his shoulder. "you might get a small bump on your forehead though. do you mind telling me what happened exactly?" cyrus tilted his head in interest.

"first of all i have a name, it's tj, and it was nothing." tj huffed. "can you get off of me?" he hissed, pushing cyrus off of him, causing him to fall over.

tj pulled himself back together and walked off, starting practice back up again. cyrus, on the other hand, couldn't believe what just happened as he sat there in shock.

what the hell just happened?

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