Chapter 4

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I woke from another nightmare which was was the one I had last time. This time I saw that girl a little more clearly and she opened her mouth to say something but before she could say anything Granny woke me. She was trying to tell me something, something that I would have known by now if it wasn't for Granny.

"Annabelle" Granny started.

"Yes" I said with a mouth full of cereal.

"Your Dad is coming" she told.


"Yes" she confirmed but she didn't seem happy about it. I was just shocked. Dad had never visited us before, we always went to Virgus.

"Does this mean we can't go to Virgus for winter break?" I asked.

"I think so" Granny said. "Your father has a meeting with the king in Hydrus and he called me a few minutes ago and told me that he's coming tomorrow"

So soon? I wondered.

"And besides we wouldn't have been able to visit Virgus this time anyway," Granny said. Before I asked why she answered, "Because of the Kingdom Banquet"

"Oh" I realized. "When is it?"

"A few days" Granny replied. "Now I need your help with everything, you have to clean this whole place and do the laundry and take out the trash"

I frowned. "I'm not in the mood" I told. And I already cleaned everything yesterday. What happened? A dirt storm?

"Me neither" Granny shot back. "But we have to do this"

"Fine" I agreed. 

I did everything she told me after I got back from school, I even chopped vegetables for dinner. I smelled like onions and garbage so I took a quick shower. 

"Annabelle" Granny called.


"Go to sleep, you have to be well rested for tomorrow" she said as she switched off the lights in my room.

Jeez! She's acting as if the prince is coming to stay with us. Okay, fine, so my Dad is the Duke Of Virgus but he's my father first. But I guess we have to treat him at the same level.

When I woke up the next morning I knew Dad was home so I brushed my teeth and tried to shake away the dream I had last night. I dressed in a white long sleeved shirt, a dark red skirt, black leggings, my beige coat and black boots. I had to put myself together so I dressed like myself today, I also curled my hair and put on a white headband with a big bow. Half way through doing my makeup, Dad entered my room. This was going to be good.

"Good morning" I said to Dad. 

"Morning" he replied. 

There was a long pause. He walked around in my room, studying every corner of it. He stared at my bed, I looked to see if I had made my bed properly. The sheets were wrinkled terribly, maybe because I move around in my sleep ten times than usual when I have dreams.

"You were talking in your sleep last night" Dad said. "Mother told me"

I bit back a curse. Why did Granny have to tell him that?

"I had a nightmare" I blurted.

"Don't you think these nightmares are becoming a big problem? We should do something about it" Dad said something that I never imagined he would say to me. Finally he understood. 

"What should I do?" I conceded. 

"I know a child psychologist she has a lot of degrees and she has worked under the King. I could take you to her?" Dad considered. Taking me to a psychologist is thoughtful of Dad, maybe it would help me deal with my nightmares. But I don't think I would want to get rid of my dreams.

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