Chapter 24

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I was lying in bed staring at the ceiling with my mouth open, my entire body felt lifeless. I couldn't move a muscle. I colapsed three times before reaching the bathroom to spill whatever  was left inside of me. My skin was sticking to my bones and I knew that I looked like a corpse.

Granny was having a conversation with someone outside my room and they weren't exactly whispering so I heard every word.

"She's weak" said a male voice. "And so is your son and you are too" They added.

"Thank you doctor" Granny said. Granny looked weak and tired, she yawned a few times and walked into the light. Her skin was more wrinkled than usual.

"Did you take your pills?" she asked.

"What pills?" I groaned.

"Vitamin D" she coughed.

"I ran out a few weeks ago" I told "Do you have more"

She shook her head "We're all out"

"Can we get more?" I asked miserably.

"Everyone has run out of them not just us everyone in the kingdom" Granny tried to shout but she couldn't.

"Is that why I'm sick?"



"I don't know" Granny wheezed.

"What did the doctor say?" I asked.

"I don't know" she replied. That's when I lost it. I got up and kicked my legs which made Granny get up.

"What is wrong with you?" Granny yelled.

"What did the doctor say?" I repeated. I sat up straight as much as I could.

"I don't know what he said" Granny whispered with an evil look. She closed the door and blocked the starlight with the curtains.

She bent down with difficulty and talked, "You and your father could be dying and I couldn't care less but right now you have to get better because I am not presenting a sick girl to the prince"

"What are you talking about?" I raged.

"You know what I mean" Granny insisted "Now be a good girl and come downstairs and help me with the wedding planning"

"There is no wedding" I yelled then coughed "The king said so himself"

"The king is mistaken" Granny denied. "For once you were right Annabelle, the king just needed someone to blame for the uprising but there will be a wedding"

Dad knocked on the door, "Are you okay in there?" he asked.

"We're fine dear" Granny lied. She gave me a look which I think meant play along or your dead.

Something told me I should obey "Yeah we're fine Dad"

He left and Granny continued, "I have waited years for this and you are not spoiling it for me"

"What is wrong with you?" I shouted "Can you tell me what's going on?"

"You are so stupid" Granny accused "Don't you already know?"

"No I don't" I raised my voice as much as I could.

"You'll find out," Granny stated "Soon you'll lose everything you love"

She walked away without saying another word. I lay in bed till I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in" I said, barely audible.

The Last Star(The Last Star Trilogy #1)Where stories live. Discover now