Chapter 22

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I asked Granny for the most recent newspaper and she handed it to me. I started reading out loud. Granny didn't even pay attention to me, she was writing letters and choosing wedding decor.

"The King made a very serious accusation this evening when reporters and photographers were at the palace interviewing the royal family as well as the Virgo family" I read.

I tried to focus on the words but they looked like alphabet soup. I skipped a few lines and finally got to the part where the king said:

".....I was delighted when Antonio presented her daughter to my son but I'm not sure his daughter is fully committed to him" I quoted.

"I would also like to talk about the uprising in the kingdom. That I would say is a problem that people have made because of the pairing system, I almost shut down those people but now that Ms. Virgo has refused the people think they can reject the system"

"I blame the Virgo family, especially Ms. Virgo for what is happening in the kingdom" the king finished.

I made a ball out of the newspaper and tossed it to the side. Granny made no comment, she continued scribbling her letters.

"I don't understand" I said "All this happened yesterday and the uprising has been going on for weeks, how can he blame us mainly me for that?"

"What was he talking about?" Granny asked.

"In case you haven't noticed, I have no idea" I shouted.

"Where did you go yesterday?" she asked.

"We went to the palace, remember?"

"Annabelle!" Granny yelled "You know what I mean"

"I am not telling you" I insisted.

"This is exactly what I was talking about" Granny said "Now everyone is going to treat us badly because of you"

"Because of the king, he is accusing me of the cause of the uprising" I raged.

"I have no idea how I'm going to fix this" Granny worried "For years and years I have cleaned up after you and Antonio but you keep messing up"

"What are you talking about?"

Granny ignored me and went on "I don't know what the king will say to me about this maybe I should write him a letter....."

"Granny" I shouted.

"What?" she said through gritted teeth.

"What are you talking about?"

Granny's expression changed and she looked shocked I heard all that. "Go to your room"

This time I listened to her and went to my room. I spotted something underneath my bed, I reached down to grab it. It was a a flier for Senior Prom. Lyra.

She must have dropped this when she was here. I read the flier and prom was tomorrow night. Why didn't Lyra tell me about this? I stargazed for a while, it helped me forget about the whole uprising and everything else.

I was staring at Ophiuchus when out of nowhere it lit up but not like stars shining light up but it's aura was green. I didn't make that happen. As far as I know I am the only descendant of Ophiuchus, so who made that happen? And also how did they make that happen?

I thought about prom all night. I actually wanted to go. I kept thinking of which dress to wear and how to style my hair. Lyra had rubbed of on me. I couldn't wait to get to school.

Granny didn't wake me up the next morning so I was late, she didn't pack my lunch or make me breakfast. When I searched the kitchen for a snack I realized the we were out of food. How could that be?

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