6 Months Later

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Jac woke with a smile on her face. She felt happy and in control of her life for the first time in what felt like forever. She had a happy family who actually loved and cared for her. The smell of bacon drifted up the stairs and the content surgeon wandered down the stairs, hands on her stomach.
"Morning my beautiful lady, breakfast will be served shortly," Fletch said with a smile as he turned to greet them.
"Thanks Fletch, but you didn't have to."
"Oh, sorry I was talking to you but morning anyway," he smirked as he bent down to kiss Jac's ever growing bump. Wow Fletch ,wow, Jac thought to herself. She had certainly helped his sarcasm improve but she still thought that he should keep to heartfelt sincerity. Her mind wondered back to all those times when he had helped her. Her panic attacks and after the shooting, her pain, all those times she landed back into a hospital bed and the texts and attempted rape. She had managed to resume her career after a short break with Fletch and had made amends with Frieda,who came back to Holby a few weeks later. She couldn't remember what had happened with psycho Abi. It was all a blue. It still effected her when she was alone. She had nightmares of what could've happened, if she'd jumped or if Fletch hadn't stopped Darren. But she knew she was safe, her true love had made that clear. He wasn't going anywhere.Their wedding was in a few weeks. It just felt like everything was going so quick, but she loved it.

"Hey, what are you crying for? You're still beautiful. You always were and you always will be" Fletch wiped the tear that was falling with his thumb and held her tight, careful not to hurt her at all.  Jac smiled at how caring he was and how he stuck by her,no matter what. He had melted her ice queen heart. "I was just thinking about all the times you've been there for me and helped me. You are an incredible man Mr Fletcher and I can't believe how lucky I am to have you. I mean we're getting married in two weeks and two years ago I wouldn't have thought I would be in this position, especially not with this AAU Nurse. But we wasted so much time Fletch, we're both not getting any younger and I just wanted to say sorry for all those times I pushed you away or didn't let you in. I should've realised I loved you sooner." She looked into his eyes and couldn't hold it in any longer. The tears rolled down her cheeks as she collapsed into Fletch's arms.
"It's alright. It's ok. Everything's fine. You know what, looking back at it, yes we did waste a lot of time but we bonded more,got to know each other better. And help each other. I will always help you Jac, you are the one thing I will always love. Don't tell the kids that." He added with a smile. She sniffed the air and realised she smelt burning. A smile grew across her face as she pulled away from him.
"Hey Fletch,"
"Yes sweetheart?"
"The bacon." She tried to keep a straight face as he hurried over to salvage his precious bacon but couldn't. Her tears had soon faded into laughter.
"You know," she attempted to say,still laughing, " anyone would think you love that bacon more than you love me." He dropped the pan and turned around slowly.
"You weren't supposed to find out..." his face was serious and his voice was low,but it didn't last for long. They were both in a pile on the floor in fits of laughter. God I love him. She reached over to him and hugged him tight.

"I really do love you Jac."
"And I really do love you Fletch."

The End.

Ok, just a few things to say. Firstly, I hope you all enjoyed that fanfic even though I was really bad at updating it. Secondly I want to thank each and every one of you for reading this to the very end as I honestly didn't think I would get this far and this many people would like it.
I hope that you'll continue to read my other books as I'm going to be making and uploading more soon.

Thank you xxx

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