Good Day

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Yesterday I went to see a pain doctor and it went great! He actually listened to me and took me seriously. It was awesome! It made me feel so good to have a doctor tell me that my physical pain is real. He didn't diagnose me but he told me I probably have fibromyalgia. I will have to see another doctor to get an official diagnosis so I will see that doctor at the end of the month.

My pain is SOOO much better! My body is just sore from hurting so bad. It's not stabbing pain like it usual is so THANK YOU JESUS! YAY! MY PAIN IS BETTER!! I want to shout it from the roof tops that I am better! It feels SOO good to feel good!❤️

Today I have just had a stay home day which has been nice. Tomorrow I get to go shoe shopping so I am very excited about that. I love shopping and shoes lol❤️

This weekend I am going to sing on my church's worship team. I haven't been singing on there for months since I have been in pain. I am very excited I get to sing this weekend. I PROMISED my Mom and myself that I WON'T cancel. I am singing again! Yay!

I feel like I am finally living life again. For the past seven months I have just been surviving. But now I feel like I am finally living. I have reached out to some of my friends on the worship team and I am going to sing again this weekend. I just feel really happy for the first time in years, I FEEL HAPPY!❤️

My Mom said that I might be scared to get better and live life again. I may be scared but not scared enough to not live life again. I will probably be very anxious going to sing this weekend but I am going to sing this no matter how I feel.

I am ready to go out into the world again. I am ready to live again! I am ready to sing again, have fun, smile, laugh, and be happy again!

Look out world because here goes Harper!❤️


Thank you so much for reading! I love you so much!❤️


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