Feeling Down

14 3 0

Lately I have been feeling really down. Not wanting to go anywhere, not be with anyone, or do anything. I generally feel so sad and down. It feels like depression is coming to attack me again. I just want to left alone and not talk with people. I don't know what to do anymore.

I have a boyfriend now but I don't even want to hang out with him. I have no motivation or energy at all. I just feel numb and empty.

I should feel happy. I finally have a boyfriend who is good to me but I still don't feel happy. I feel dead inside. I feel so hopeless, useless, and worthless. I want to be happy and enjoy life but I am not.

My physical pain from my fibromyalgia and ulcers is killing me. I have a scope tomorrow to see if I do have ulcers again. I dread that. I don't want ulcers again, they are a pain.

I just don't know what to do anymore. I want to be happy, enjoy life, and live my life but I feel stuck in depression again. Depression is a horrible monster who is beating me up.

Any words of encouragement would be great. Any advise would be wondering.

Thank you for listening.


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