My Pain Is Killing Me

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Hey beautiful!❤️

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas! I know I had a great Christmas💚❤️

I am SOOO sorry it's been so long since I have updated on here. I hope you haven't forgotten about me!

Update on me:


I have been officially diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I am in constant pain in my back and legs. I have been seeing a chiropractor but honestly it only helps for a few hours then I go back to constant pain. So please pray for me❤️


I have been depressed. My physical pain makes me very depressed. I have a new therapist and have been working on my past from my ex abusive boyfriend. I wrote a letter to myself telling myself that I forgive myself. My new step is to forgive him (ex abusive boyfriend.) I am scared to face my past but I am ready to heal from it and finally move on.

I promise I will update more this new year! I hope you have an amazing day! I love you so much and thank you for reading❤️

-xoxo Harper❤️

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