NCT Reaction to their idol crush saying they're their ideal type

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Jaemin :

Mind blown. He didn't even know you knew his name let alone the fact that you said he was your ideal type. He'd be in a haze for about a week just because he was still in belief and you'd be in his dreams almost every night.

Lucas :

Literally after hearing this he'd make a poster with the quote of you saying he was your ideal type. Not only would he do that he'd hand it up just to be reminded of it all the time. Okay maybe that's a bit much but this boy can't contain himself.

Ten :

Ten would be really taken off guard when he heard this. So much taken off guard he'd gasp and hopefully he wouldn't be eating/drinking anything. If anyone started laughing at him he'd immediately give them the death glare but on the inside he'd still be stunned of what he just heard.

Jaehyun :

He'd have to replay the clip of you saying this several times to actually believe it. In return he'd get teased by other members because he's replayed it so many times. Jaehyun would try to play it cool but immediately he'd be trying to get you on NCT NightNight.

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