NCT Reaction to their hybrid s/o protecting them

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Haechan :

After first getting word of these bad people he'd totally be f***ing ready to take them down. Obviously when you told him it wouldn't be so simple he though yeah right. So it was no surprise when you had to show up and save his ass. He'd apologize for not listening but tbh he had a blast.

Mark :

I feel like Mark would be a yeller in this case. By that I mean he's going to yell "WHAT THE **** JUST HAPPENED!?" His eyes might pop out of his head because he definitely wasn't planning on running into bad people after you or him on this lovely afternoon.

Jisung :

Jisung doesn't even know how to process what just happened. Of course the first thing he'd do is thank you but he'd still just be in shock and you'd have to snap him out of it. You'd probably have to go double check to see that all the bad guys were gone before he could really start calming down.

Jeno :

He'd get really scared after you had protected him from the bad people. Not because he was afraid of the people but because he was scared for your safety. After that would happen he'd be 10x more cautious while doing everything and text you constantly to know that you were okay.

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