#2 My hero?

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I took out the mop and splashed it into the water and started cleaning. Out of the blue, I saw a cockroach coming out of the sink. "Aah!" I screamed. "바퀴벌레가있다!" I shouted. (There is a cockroach!) Jungkook came into the toilet and smashed the cockroach using his injured hand. "너 괜찮 니?" I asked him as he used his injured hand. (Are you ok?) "예," he answered. (Yes.) I saw blood oozing out of his hand. "No you're not," I said. "Come here," I said leading him to the sink. I helped him wash off the blood before applying the cream just like I did just now. "Thanks," I thanked him while gently applying the cream. "백치," Jungkook called me. (Idiot.) "Yah!" I said. "It isn't my fault that I'm scared of insects!" I said putting the cotton bud away. I continued to rattle on until Jungkook covered my mouth. "What are you doing?" I asked him. "Shutting you up," he said. "You go rest, I'll clean the toilet," I said pointing to the bench in the toilet. "I can't let you clean by yourself. You're too stupid," he said. I didn't know why but I felt happy that he said that last sentence. He took the mop from my hands and cleaned the toilet. I took another one and cleaned the other cubicle. I glanced at my watch. "It's already 8!" I exclaimed. My stomach growled. "Oops," I said chuckling in embarrassment. "Let's go," Jungkook said. "But we haven't finished cleaning all the toilets. "We're only half way through," I said. "Is your hunger more important or the teacher?" Jungkook asked. "Teacher?" I answered. "Nope, hunger. So let's go," Jungkook said. "But the gate must be closed," I said. "The teacher must have known that we wouldn't finish it in time," I said. "Then, we will climb over," Jungkook said. He pulled my hand before I could react. He climbed over first and waited for me. "I can't," I said. "I'll catch you," he assured me. I nodded my head and climbed over the gate. "Red?" He asked. I realised that he could see my underwear while I was climbing up. "Pervert!" I shouted and hit his back. "You're the one who wasn't careful," he said. "Where do you want to eat at?" Jungkook asked. "Let me check how much J have," Jungkook said. "Oh yeah, it's my treat by the way," Jungkook said as he took out his wallet. "I have $1327.20," Jungkook said sighing. "What the f***," I shouted when I heard how much he had. "You might as well just go eat at a restaurant or something, dude," I said. "Let's go eat rice cakes," he said. "Where?" I asked. "The one nearby our school," he said. He held my hand and ran to the rice cake stall pulling me along. "Jungkook, I'll pay you back the money, how much does it cost?" I asked him. "No need," he answered. "No, I have to," I said. "Nope, you don't," He said. "After this, I'll call a cab to pick us up," he said. "How would you know where I live?" I asked him. "I have people to do that for me," he answered. "Ass," I called. "Yah! I was nice to you today!" He shouted and pouted. "You're so girly," I said laughing. "And what's wrong with that?" He asked. "Everything," I answered. "Hurry up, your parents should be worried about you already," He said. "Nope, they aren't," I whispered. "How could they not be?" He asked. "How could you hear me?" I asked back. "My ears are sensitive," he said shrugging. "Uh, they aren't on earth anymore," I answered. Suddenly, tears rolled down my cheeks uncontrollably. Jungkook put down his bow of rice cakes and pulled me in for a hug. "It's ok, I'm here for you," he said. "Hey miss. What a nice Boyfriend you have," the stall owner complimented. "Huh?" I asked as I broke the hug. "Oh, he's not my-" I said. "Thank you," Jungkook said. I nudged him. "Are you crazy?" I asked. "Yep. The craziest person you have ever met," he said. I laughed and continued to eat my rice cake. "Jungkook, Thank you. Really," I thanked. He ruffled my hair. "Yah! I spent a lot of time on this!" I shouted pushing his hand away. "Whatever, you owe me a favour," he said. "You wish," I said. "Oh. I get everything I wish. You will have to do me a favour if I win you in this game," he said. "What game?" I asked him. He held out his hand towards me. "가위 종이 가위?" I asked for confirmation. (Scissors paper stone?) "Yes," he answered. "Three rounds."
I lost. Oh shoot. "What do you want?" I asked him. "I'll think about it," he said with a smirk. He took out his phone and called for a cab. He got in and signalled for me to get in too. "..." he told the driver my address. "What about yours?" I asked. "You'll see," he said smiling. I was confused by what he said but went along. When I got off, he got off too. I entered my house and he entered the house beside me. "Wait, you're my neighbour?" I asked. He nodded his head. "Wanna come in?" He asked me. I thought for a while. "Sure," I said shrugging and I entered the house after him. "Wow," I took a glance at my surroundings and found myself in a glamourous house. "Sin!" He shouted. "Get two glasses of water!" Jungkook shouted. "Yes sir," a man with blonde hair said. "Stay here overnight if you want," he said. "Meh, I'll go home after I finish the water," I said. Once I got the water, I gulped it down and got out of the house. "You want me to walk you to your house?" He asked. "I live right next door, Jungkook," I said laughing at how weird he was. I walked to my house slowly when suddenly, a strong grip pulled me into the dark alley. "Aah!" I shouted in my high-pitched voice. The man covered up my mouth. I recognised him immediately. "Seoji?" I called. "I've waited for you but you never came back!" He shouted. "Why would I? You cheated on me!" I lashed out at him and slapped his face. "You deserve this," he said. His face cane towards my neck. I could feel his breath as his lips clashed onto the skin of my neck. "Get off her!" Jungkook shouted as he ran towards my direction and punched Seoji onto the ground. Jungkook kicked him non stop. "Who the f*** are you?!" Seoji shouted. "Jeon," He said and he kicked his stomach. "Jung," He said again as he punched his face. "Kook." He ended off as he stepped on his foot. He pulled me out of the dark alley and into his house. "I think that you had better stay here for a few days in case he comes looking for you again," Jungkook suggested. I hugged him and thanked him for what he had done. "Thanks for saving me, Jeon Jungkook," I said with a smile forming on my face.

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