#16 Someone close to me

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"Hello? May I ask if you are Kang Yoona?" A voice asked from the other side of the phone. "Uh, Yeah? Who are you?" I asked. "Good morning, I'm a police officer. The victim told me to call you before she had died from a car accident. Her name is Yurae. She would like me to tell you that she would love for you to turn up at her funeral and that she hope that you would forgive her," the police officer answered. "I was fully awake once she mentioned Yurae's name. "Yurae is... is dead?" I asked shocked at the sudden news. "Yes. I'm deeply sorry for your loss," she said. I immediately dropped my phone. "Jungkook!" I shouted crying while I ran up the stairs. I found him sleeping and quickly woke him up. "Yurae is dead," I cried. Tears were already forming in my eyes when I told him the news. Jungkook woke up and hugged me when he saw me crying. "What?" He asked. "Y- Yurae is dead," I stuttered in between my cries. "It's okay. Everything is going to be alright," Jungkook comforted me. Tears were flowing. I couldn't speak. I felt like I was falling into the state of depression.

After the funeral...
I was tired from all the drama. Getting stabbed, finding out that my Best Friend was dead, and all the nonsense. I felt like I couldn't face reality anymore. "Yoona, you have to eat something," Jungkook told me. "You'll starve to death," Jungkook added. "Starving to death is much better than living like this," I told him. "Is meeting me in your life a bad thing?" He asked. I shook my head slowly. "Them have one bit. Just one," Jungkook said and gave me a spoonful of porridge. I took it from his hands and ate it. "Come, I have to show you something," Jungkook told me and held my hand. He brought me to the park where I fouled beautiful lights, Cooky balloons, and a flamingo stuff toy. "What is this?" I asked when I held it. "I felt like you are just like a flamingo, beautiful," he started until I cut him off. "Wait, are you implying that I am a male?" I asked. "There's the Yoona I fell I love with!" He said. I realised that I wasn't depressed anymore after seeing the peacock. "But it was because of the peacock. Not you," I reminded him. "Well, I made it didn't I?" He asked. I rolled my eyes at him. We both started laughing. "Hey, don't ever make me worry again okay?" Jungkook asked. "Yah! I just recovered! What kind of Boyfriend are you?" I asked. He laughed at me and ruffled my hair. "What is up with you and ruffling my hair?" I asked him. "What? It's cute!" He answered looking at me. I rolled my eyes and made him get his hands off my hair. "Yah, let's get married, shall we?" He asked. "Huh?" I asked confused at what he said. "I said, let's get married," he repeated. "Where's the ring?" I asked. "Seriously?" He asked. "Fine, I'll get you a ring," he told me. "This proposal is a little weird," I told him. "Meet me on Friday. You'll be discharged my then and... you meet me every day," he said slapping his forehead. "Never mind, get ready. At seven, we will go out and have dinner, ok?" He asked. I nodded my head and fell fast asleep on his shoulder like I always did.

Next day...
"Yoona, wake up," he told me. "Hm?" I asked still half sleeping. "We've got to go to the hospital for your check up," he reminded me. "Can we not? I'm feeling tired," I said. "Nope. Anything that concerns your health and safety is important and I'm not going to let you fall sick or get hurt ever again," he told me. "Stop being so romantic. It's isn't like you," I told him. "You made this whole new me, Kang Yoona. Blame yourself," he told me. I rolled my eyes at him hit still flattered at his comment. I woke up after a while and we went to the hospital. I got into my bed and found nurse coming to pick me up The the check up centre. Jungkook followed us into the room where I had to do my check up. After the check up, the doctor announced, "You're free to go."
"Really?" I asked and jumped in excitement. "Yes, just don't do extreme sports," the doctor warned. I nodded my head excitedly. "Sure thing," I told him. "Good, you are free to go," the doctor said smiling at us. I walked back to the room with Jungkook and he intertwined his fingers with mine. I looked at his hands and his face. He leaned in towards me and I leaned towards me. Our lips touched each other's. "Yah, Stop it. There are other people here," I said while chuckling in the middle of the kiss. I broke it and we both headed back with our fingers still intertwining each other's. I packed up all my belonging before I headed out of the ward. "Jungkook," I called. I found him sitting on the chair outside the ward fast asleep. I decided to sit beside him and wait until he finished sleeping. "Let's go," Jungkook said. "I thought you were going to wake me up," he added. "How could I when you're sleeping so soundly?" I asked. He chuckled at my comment. We both walked to the car and went back home.

At home...
"Yoona, today is Friday right?" Jungkook asked. "Uh, Yeah?" I answered. "Do you remember what we were supposed to do tonight?" He asked. "The date, I guess," I answered unsure. "You better get ready," Jungkook reminded me. I went back into my room to change into my clothes. "Formal?" I asked him. "Yep," he answered. I put on a black tight dress and a pair of gold earrings before I took out my gold pouch. "I've never dressed like this since the ball I attended two years ago. It feels so uncomfortable to wear it again," I thought. I took out my phone and checked my messages.

Brother: Meet me outside the park at 8:00
Me: No.

After replying the message, I went to the living room and sat onto the couch waiting for Jungkook. I found him coming down in a tuxedo. "You clean up well," I told him. Jungkook rolled his eyes before chuckling and putting out his hands. I accepted it and we entered the restaurant. It was totally clear without anyone in sight. "Did you book the whole restaurant?" I asked. He nodded his head before calling for the waiter. A waitress came instead and looked at Jungkook with attracted eyes. "Hello sir, what would you like?" The waitress asked. "Two racks of beef. Medium rare please," he told the waitress before she whispered into his ear.
"Or would you like me? We can ditch this girl and have some fun at my house," the waitress whispered. "No thanks. I would rather be with her than you, so back off," I whispered back. The waitress stood up furiously and said, "I'll be back with your order." And stormed off. "What did she say?" Yoona asked. "Oh, nothing much. She just asked me about something," I told her. "I'm going to head to the restroom," I informed her before walking into the kitchen. "It's time," I told the chefs. The Chef used some ketchup to write 'Will you marry me?' Another Chef took out the ring and placed it inside the dough of the cake. "How many minutes until the cake is done?" I asked. "Fifteen minutes," the chef answered politely. "Thank you so much for your help, you'll get your tip," I informed him before heading it to Yoona. The beef was served a while later. Once Yoona got her plate, she stared at the words without making a single sound nor a reply. She just looked surprised.
When I saw the beef, I found the words 'Will you marry me?' one the beef. I was both happy and surprised that Jungkook would do something like this. It was so romantic. Just like in the movies. I started eating the beef without saying a single word about how much I loved that he had done that for me. He looked at me with a weird facial expression but I just ignored it as I was afraid that he would regret proposing to me if I was too excited. A while later, the chef took out a cake with hearts on it. He cut the small cake into two and gave it to Jungkook and I. I ate the cake but felt something hard while I was chewing it. I took it out carefully and found that it was a diamond ring. Jungkook took it fro my hands and knelt down before me. "Kang Yoona, will you marry me?" he asked. I put out my hand and he placed the ring onto my finger. "Kiss, kiss," some familiar voices chanted. I found Jungkook's hyungs coming into the restaurant and came towards us. Jungkook gave me a peck on my lips as to stop the hyungs from making me feel uncomfortable. I gave him a smile before turning to the hyungs. "So, when's the wedding?" Taehyung asked.

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