#12 Brother from overseas

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"Choeso! Where are you going?" I asked. It ran everywhere in the park as I try to catch up with him or I'll fall from holding on to it's leash. "Slow down!" I shouted. I wanted to call Jungkook for help but it was too fast to take out my phone. It ran towards a guy and I realised that it was my Brother. "Bro?" I called. He turned around and saw me. "Sis?" He called. "Why didn't you tell me that you came back?" I asked. He chuckled awkwardly. "Wanted to surprise you but couldn't find you at home," he answered. "I was at the house next to it," I said. I walked towards him until an arm grabbed me. I turned around and found Jungkook glaring at my Brother fiercely. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Why are you with him?" He asked. "He's my Brother," I answered. "Jungkook! Let go of my Sister!" My Brother shouted. "What's going on?" I asked Jungkook who was still glaring at him. "It was just a misunderstanding," my Brother answered. "No it wasn't! You cheated on my Sister! That's why she's dead! You moron! She was chasing after you and that slut and was knocked down by a car in a car accident!" Jungkook shouted. "I thought you told me that you Girlfriend commuted suicide?" I asked when Jungkook let go of me and I picked Choeso up. "Suicide? Obviously not! She died because of this jerk!" Jungkook shouted. Tears started to flow from my eyes down to my cheeks and onto the floor. Choeso looked at me and leaned against my chest. Jungkook saw me and came towards me. "Don't cry," Jungkook comforted as he hugged me. I pushed him away. "I'm sorry Jungkook. But I cannot be with a guy whose Sister had died because of my Brother," I said crying. "I never want to see you ever again!" I shouted at my Brother and ran away.
"Look what you did!" I shouted and started to chase after Yoona. "Yoona!" I shouted when I had reached the front of her house. There was no reply. I continued to knock on the door. "Go away!" She shouted. "I'm not blaming you! Why are you blaming yourself?" I asked. "I'm not!" She shouted back. "I just feel like I am in debt to you for my brother's actions!" She shouted back. "Then opens the door! Your Brother will pay his debt by himself!" I told her. "Go away," she told me. "I'll come back," I informed her and walked away with my head facing the ground and my hands in my pockets. I went into my room and found a window that lead to her bedroom. But her window was locked. I guess she already noticed. "Yoona?" I called. I knocked onto the window. 🎤 Do you want to let me in? 🎤
I sang re-enacting Frozen. I could hear her giggle but it stopped right after. "I told you to go away," she said coldly. I groaned in frustration and went to my bed to take a nap. Minutes turned into hours, I still couldn't sleep. What had happened was replaying in my mind over and over again. Non stop. I took out my phone and checked for some messages.
Taehyung: Hey, heard what happened. You alright?
Me: How did you know?
Taehyung: Yoona told me. She still loves you. She just need some time to cool down.
Taehyung: And btw, I got a new girlfriend! Her name is Maya! :)
Me: Good for you... :)
Me: Anyways, bye. ;)
I turned off my phone and charged it leaving it onto the table.

Next morning...
"Jungkook! Wake up, pabo!" A voice shouted from He staircase. I was hoping it was Yoona's but it sounded like a boy's voice. I realised that it was Jimin's. "I can't, I'm sick," I said. "How are you sick? You look perfectly fine," Jimin told me. "I'm love sick," I answered bitterly. "Uh, stop being so dramatic. I know. You and Yoona getting together is a big hot news in school right now," Jimin said rolling my eyes. Looks like he doesn't know what was going on. I filled him in with the details. "Turns out, Yoona's Brother was the one who killed my Sister. And she blames herself for it. I keep telling her that she shouldn't but she just won't talk to me nor listen to me," I explained with my head in my hands. "Hey don't worry, bro. Everything will hange for the better," Jimin comforted me. "I need to change into my clothes," I told him and asked him to leave the room for a minute. I went to my closet and got out my clothes and put it on. I looked at the window. Seeing as the lights were on, I thought hat she was at home. "I'm going to school!" I shouted. There wasn't any response. I walked down the staircase. "All this while, I spent all my time trying to get her to like me. And it all falls apart because of that jerk," I told Jimin. He comforted me by patting my back and we both went to school. When I reached school, Yoona wasn't there. I think she might be late. When class started, Yoona still wasn't there. "Mrs. Seo? May I know where Yoona is?" I asked. "Oh. I forgot to tell you but Yoona is actually going of to America. It will be a long term stay," The teacher informed us. I was shocked at that piece of information. She was going to America? I rushed out of the room leaving my bag in the classroom hoping that I wasn't too late.
I had reached the airport and was at the gate. I looked back to see if anyone was there. Unfortunately, I got into a fight with the person I love most. He wasn't there. I knew it. But the teacher must've told the class already. I boarded the airplane and it took off to America. "Bye, Jeon Jungkook," I whispered while tears rolled down my face. I couldn't face the fact that I wouldn't be seeing Jungkook ever again. But it was for the best.
"Grandma!" I called knocking on the door. "Did you see Yoona?" I asked once she opened the door. "I'm so sorry Jungkookie. She already left for America. She's already on the airplane," she answered. She pulled me into a hug as tears started to flow to the ground. "She told me to give this to you," my Grandmother gave a disk to me. I went into the cottage with her and played the short film. I saw Yoona appear on the screen.
"Hello, Kookie." She greeted and waved at me. I laughed at how she called my name. "I'm sorry for only telling you this now. But I'm going to America. If you are watching this, it means that I'm already at the airport. Probably already on the plane. I did this because, it was probably for the best. My Brother killed your Sister. I will never be able to face that fact. But, if I calm down, I promise I'll come back to visit you and your Grandma. But I cannot promise you that I will be your Girlfriend," she said. "Sorry," she apologised and the film ended. "Jungkook," my Grandmother comforted me. "She's gone," she said. She was crying and I was too. "Thanks for telling me, Grandma," I said and walked back home. Choeso started running towards me and hugged me. I guess she knew that Yoona was leaving and that I would cry. "Thanks, Choeso," I thanked while smiling. I called my hunting's to come over.
"You can't go to America!" Taehyung exclaimed.
"Yeah, Jungkook. She probably needs some time to cool down," Suga said without any expression as usual.
"I know, I'm not going to America," I said and chuckled. I discussed my plan with them and they all nodded their head as they thought that it would be way better than going to America. I went back to school to start working on my plan. "Mrs. Seo? Can I borrow your time for a while?" I asked. She nodded her head. And we started our plan.

 And we started our plan

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