#15 A change in life

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After what had happened, I had become a changed person. I wasn't lively, but I was cold to other people instead. My hyungs tried to comfort me all the time but I just couldn't lighten up. "Hey, she's going to be alright. She is a nice girl. I'm sure that she will wake up soon," Jin comforted me. "What if that doesn't happen?" I asked and stood up walking away from him. I asked for a taxi to drive me to the hospital where Yoona was warded. There was two more days and if she didn't wake up, that would mean that I would never to get to hear her voice, nor see her laugh ever again. I sat down beside her and wet her lips before holding her hand and lay my head onto the bed. "Wake up soon, Yoona," I whispered. As if on cue, I felt a twitch in her fingers. "Yoona?" I called. But her eyes were still closed. I must be dreaming. I lay my head onto the bed once again and felt another twitch. I took a look at her and her eyelids were starting to move too. I rang the bell for the doctor to come in. "Doctor! Her fingers and eyelids moved! But why isn't she waking up yet?" I asked excitedly. "Don't worry. She will wake up soon. Her muscles are reacting to the environment. Give it some time, you'll see," the doctor answered. I called my hyungs and told them the great news. They told me that they would come and visit Yoona soon. "Jungkook ah, is Yoona all you care about now?" Taehyung asked. "Don't worry, you occupy one-eighth of my heart," I answered playfully. "Are you here yet?" I asked. "Yep, I'm just taking the lift up," he answered. After a while, I found him walking to the room along with the others. They all waved at me and I returned the wave with a smiling face. "Yay! Kookie's back!" J-hope exclaimed. Everyone started laughing while I rolled my eyes. "Sorry for making you guys worry," I apologised. "Hey, no problem. And by the way, I already phoned your Grandmother that Yoona's fingers twitched. She's coming over soon," Taehyung told me. I nodded my head before going back in to the room with Jimin. Jimin looked shocked when her eyelids moved. "I feel weird," Jimin said shivering. I punched his shoulder and he stopped shivering and looked at Yoona. "Yah! I was just joking! What a big reaction!" He shouted at me. Everyone who saw us started laughing. I smiled at them and went back to looking at Yoona anticipating the day when she would wake up.

Two days later...
I was in the ward with Yoona by my side. It was Sunday, so I didn't have to go to school. My eyelids were getting heavier and I fell asleep immediately.
All of a sudden, I saw light. Unlike the previous time when I saw darkness. My eyelids opened slowly and I found myself in the hospital. I felt a hand intertwining in mine. And looked at the owner of it. Jungkook. I smiled at him and looked at my surroundings. I pressed the bell for the doctor and found him walking towards me. "How are you feeling?" He asked. "Well. May I ask how long I have been asleep for?" I asked. "One week. You are one lucky girl," he answered. I smiled at him. "Anymore questions?" He asked. "Two more. When can I be discharged and how many times have he visited me?" I asked. "You can be discharged after two more days and this guy," he answered but stopped halfway. "Well, He always comes at two in the afternoon on weekdays. During weekend, he comes at 9 in the morning," he answered. "Oh, thanks doctor," I thanked him. "He is a really sweet Boyfriend by the way!" He told me and walked out of the room. I stared at him sleeping and a smile appeared on my face. One of his eyelids opened and when he saw me, he immediately woke up and hugged me. "Yah! Why did you come so early everyday? Two o'clock? Don't you need some rest after school?" I 'reprimanded'. "Oh, I'm so sorry. But someone took the stab for me and I couldn't help but get worried," he fake apologised to me. I rolled my eyes and he broke the hug before I could. "Jungkookie! I came to see how Yoona is doing!" Jungkook's grandma said. She saw me and immediately walked towards me. "Yoona!" She greeted and hugged me tight. "Mrs. Jeon! Thanks for visiting!" I thanked her. She broke the hug. "You are my granddaughter! How could I not visit you?" She asked. "She likes you a lot," Jungkook mouthed to me. "Doesn't that mean she should call you grandma?" Jungkook asked his Grandmother. "Oh yes! That would be lovely!" She said excitedly. "Thanks, Grandma!" I thanked her. She hugged me immediately. For once, I felt like my parents had never passed away. I felt warm on the inside. It felt as if my parent were just right beside me. I felt happy. "Yoona!" Jin called and walked into the room with the other hyungs. I waved at them and grandma broke the hug. "We have a favour to ask you. Can you act?" They asked. "A little?" I asked. "Yeah. That's fine. We would like to shoot a music video. It's called Boy in Luv," Rap Monster started saying. "And we want you to be the girl playing in it," Taehyung added. "Uh, okay," I said nodded my head. Who would've known that the day where I thought would be fine and happy and all, turned out to be a horrible? That one thing that happened, made me break down as I had received a call telling me that someone who was very special to me died. Although she had done one thing that I didn't like most, she was still my Best Friend. It made me unable to face the fact that she was —— and I couldn't face reality. Until...

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