#5 Cotton candy, rides and assesories

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"We're here, Jungkook," I called Jungkook who was currently sleeping with his cooky pillow. "Mhm," he answered. I got out of the car and called Yurae. "Yurae! Taehyung! Help me get Jungkook out of the car!" I shouted and rang the doorbell. They got out of the house and helped me carry Jungkook in. Taehyung slapped his face once we had reached. Jungkook immediately woke up. "What the hell, Taehyung!" He shouted and punched Taehyung's chest. "Quit it!" Yurae and I shouted. They both stopped immediately. "Let's hurry to Disney Land!!!" I shouted. They got into the car and Taehyung took the keys from me and drove the car to Disney Land. "Disney Land!" Yurae shouted as she pointed to a castle. Taehyung laughed at how cute she was. I turned to Jungkook and found him staring at me. "What do you want?" I asked him. "Nothing," He said with a smirk on his face and turned away to watch the scenery. I took out my phone and plugged in my earpieces and listened to the Korean music playing. Just then, Jungkook snatched one of the earpieces and plugged it into his ear. He took away my phone and switched the song. "What did you do that for?" I asked him. "The song was boring," he said smiling. I rolled my eyes and took back my phone. I listened to the song and found myself enjoying it... somehow. "We've reached," Taehyung said as he parked the car at the car park. We got out and quickly went to buy the tickets before the queue could get any longer. "Oh my god. Thank goodness we were fast," Yurae said sighing after we had bought the tickets. "Let's go for the Indiana Jones ride!" Taehyung shouted while he pointed to it. "Sure," I said. We all quickly ran towards the back of the line so that we didn't have to wait too long. "Hey, so do you want to sit with?" Jungkook asked everybody. "Obviously with Taehyung," Yurae answered rolling her eyes while clinging onto Taehyung. "Eww," I said while I looked at the way she acted. "You'll see when you find your true love," she said. "Then, I guess I'll sit with you then," Jungkook said smiling. I shrugged at the comment. "Fine with me."
"I think your true love is right beside you," Yurae whispered and winked at me. I gave her a confused expression and looked at Jungkook. "No way," I mouthed to her. "Yes way," she mouthed back. "You guys look like you are talking about us you know?" Taehyung said. "Yeah," Jungkook said crossing his arms. "No we aren't!" Yurae and I shouted. "Why the big reaction? We were just kidding unless you really were," Jungkook said laughing. I punched him in the chest. "Aigoo, so feisty," he commented. "Seriously?" I asked.
"Looks like you are already in love with her," Taehyung whispered into my ear. "What? No way!" I whispered back. "Yeah right. You are totally into her," Taehyung said. I looked at Yoona for a while and told him, "Maybe," I said with a smirk on my face. "We're at the front of the line! Let's go! It's almost our turn!" Yoona shrieked. I laughed at how cute she was acting. We got into the seats and put on our seat belts before the ride started. We went up almost reaching the sky and dropped for what seemed like 2 seconds but felt like 1 metre of dropping. And we went up again but went straight without dropping until we saw figurines of Indiana Jones and the animals. After 2 minutes, the ride was over. "The ride was awesome!" Yurae shouted. "Ooh! Cotton candy!" Yoona shouted pointing at a booth. "Wait here," I said and ran to the booth and ordered for a stick of cotton candy. "There," I said handing it to Yoona. "Aww, Thanks," Yoona thanked me. "No problem," I answered. "Aww, so sweet!" Yurae said. "Why didn't you help me get one?" Yurae asked and punched Taehyung in the shoulder. Taehyung mouthed to me: You owe me one! I laughed at them. "Let's go shopping!" Yurae suggested. Yoona followed her to the shops. "We're going to walk around! We'll call you later!" I shouted.
We went into one shop and I picked out a Minnie Mouse hoodie and a Minnie Mouse headband. "Oh my god! You look so cute!" Yurae said and applauded when I tried it on. "I'm definitely going to buy this," I said and went to the counter to pay for the items after taking them off. I paid for them and waited for Yurae who was getting a Mickey Mouse headband and a soft toy. We both went to the second shop and I picked out a pair of Mickey Mouse earrings and a Donald Duck stuff toy. "These are essential to life," I thought when I looked at them. I went to pay for them and asked if I could use the fitting room. I put on the hoodie, changed my earrings, let my hair down and placed the headband on. I got out and found Yurae buying a Mickey Mouse hoodie and a Minnie Mouse hoodie. "What's the Mickey Mouse one for?" I asked. "For Taehyung," she said rolling her eyes. "Oh," I said nodding my head. We both walked out of the store and called Jungkook. "Hello?" Jungkook asked after he had answered the phone call. "We're done," I said. "Meet us at the food stall," I said and hung up the phone. "Don't you need to say I love you or something?" She asked. "We're not even a couple," I said. A while later, Taehyung and Jungkook arrived. "Can we buy food? I'm hungry," Yurae pleaded. "Alright," Taehyung said and they walked into the food stall. "There you go," I said handing Jungkook the Donald Duck stuff toy. "What's this for?" He asked. "You gave me a cooky stuff toy," I said shrugging. He took it and thanked me before we both walked into the food stall. "We ordered a chicken, beef, cheese fries and lamb steak," Taehyung said. "You fine with that?" Taheyung asked. "Yeah," Jungkook said and I nodded my head. "Where did you get that from?" Taehyung asked pointing to the stuff toy. Jungkook used his eyes to point at me and Taehyung nodded in recognition. "You didn't buy me anything!" Yurae said pouting at me. I squeezed her cheek. "Neither did you," I said. She rolled her eyes at me. "Dinner's served!" Someone said and handed us the food.

 "Dinner's served!" Someone said and handed us the food

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