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As we were coming closer to the gate we saw a thin line of light in between the two doors. Everyone held their breaths. It was opening. Yes!! It was opening. No one knew why but that didn't prevent us from celebrating. We jumped around and danced in excitement.

Luffy had woken up and I hugged him tight pressing his head on my chest.

"The gate is opening!" I told him and he looked at me confused. His eyes were two thin lines from how tired he was and he remained silent for some seconds. Then his eyes widened but the shout of excitement I expected from his lips didn't come. Instead he cried in despair.

"Where is Bon Clay?!"

Everyone froze and looked around the deck. I didn't know who Luffy was looking for but everyone else seemed to understand.

"I didn't see him getting on board..." Jinbe muttered.

No one had the time to give Luffy an answer because the marine ships that were still around there opened fire aiming at us. Luffy waisted no time. He forgot about Bon Clay and he started repelling the cannonballs that were being thrown towards us. Crocodile helped him and we continued to sail closer to the doors that were now slowly opening with us still not knowing why.

Later on I learned that this man, Bon Clay had sacrificed himself so we could leave Impel Down. He had the ability to change his appearance to look exactly like other people. Having said that he took up the form of Magellan and ordered for the gate to open.

We successfully passed through the gate but Luffy insisted on going back.

"He did it! He opened the gate. Tell me the truth Jinbe!" He shouted at the Fishman ready to jump in the sea and swim to Impel Down again if he could.

Jinbe replied with a nod. He tried to explain to Luffy that Bon Clay didn't want them to return for him nor say goodbye but he wasn't having any of it. There was a baby den den mushi and when Luffy saw it he grabbed it trying to contact Bon Clay.

"You saved us before! You're doing it again" Luffy started saying. I couldn't understand what he was saying how had that man saved him before. "but I was hoping to find a way so we could escape together! I don't like this Bentham I don't like it". Luffy was shouting in the den den mushi. Personally I didn't think he needed it. I could bet my liver that they could clearly hear him till the prison without it.

The rest of the prisoners started calling out to him to, but from the other side of the den den mushi no answer would come. The gates were about to close when suddenly everyone on the ship heard:


The voice was the voice of someone crying. But he had no regrets. It could be heard. Everyone on the ship teared up thanking the man for his brave sacrifice.

Luffy stood still, staring at the now closed gates with the baby snail in his hands. From my relief, when we passed through the gate I had collapsed on the deck. I looked at him not knowing what I to do. He had just lost an assumably good friend.

"Luffy!" I yelled and he turned his head sideways to look at me. His cheeks were stained with tears and he kept sobbing. I got up and took a few steps closer and stood in front of him. I looked inside his eyes and he did the same. I pulled my sleeves up to my palms and used the back of my wrist that were now covered with the fabric to messily wipe his tears away.

"Stop it. Stop it!" I said as more tears flooded his eyes. I wanted to be rude and tell him that he was a necessary sacrifice but I knew it wouldn't help. "He wouldn't want you to cry! He didn't die to make you sad, idiot!" I hissed and lowered my hands from his face.

Luffy opened his arms and for a second I didn't understand what he wanted. Immediately after he closed me inside a hug and rested his head on my shoulder. He kept crying and his tears soaked my uniform.

"You really are a crybaby!" I muttered but I didn't push him away. I remembered how Ace used to deal with his crying brother. Not this time, I thought. Let him cry just this once.

When he was done soaking my shirt he pulled away and smiled at me again with that bright smile of his.

"Do you know my brother?" he asked me.

"Save him!" I said ignoring his question. I wasn't begging him nor was I pleading him. I was ordering him.

He laughed kindly and then nodded.

"I will!" He replied. Not having anything else to say I got ready to walk away. "Pearl?" Luffy stopped me.

"Yes?" I asked without turning around.

"Thank you!" He said and I thanked the gods I hadn't turned around or else he would have seen my face taking the color of my hair. I didn't know exactly what he was thanking me for but it was more than enough.

"Whatever!" I muttered.

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