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As we were running we encountered a familiar figure. I recognized her at once, from her hourglass figure and black, silk, gorgeous hair. She was that Empress that had visited Ace back in Impel Down. She saved us from a huge robot that looked like a bear, by petrifying it and then turned to look at Luffy as if she was waiting a word of acknowledgement.

Obviously Luffy just thanked her and didn't say all the things she imagined and I could clearly read in her face and then she pulled something out of her pocket.

"Take this key Luffy, its for your brother's shackles!" She said and placed the key on his hand. Her cheeks were painted red contrasting her white skin.

"Thank you Empress!" I told her excited but the way she looked at me differed a lot from the way she gazed at Luffy. I guess that boy has his ways with women.

"Thank you Hancock! You're the best!" Luffy said and we continued running. I could hear her mumbling something and the only word that my ear caught was 'marriage' which made me look at Luffy surprised. What had he given to the poor woman to make her fall so senselessly in love with him?!

Then I felt all the whitebeard pirates around us freezing and turning their heads to look at the direction of the ships.

"Squard, stabbed pops!" I heard someone saying and turned around to look. Truly a huge sword was sticking out of Whitebeard's body but the gisnt was still standing. Then I heard Squard accusing him saying:

"You're willing to sacrifice all your allies and crewmates just to save that breed of Roger's!"

Everyone went berserk and they seemed to lose their faith to the old man.

Whitebeard from the other hand didn't seem to be shocked. I didn't have the time to hear what he wanted to say so I disconnected myself. It had started to become more easy for me, this time it only took a punch in my stomach from my own fist. But apparently I didn't need to be connected to hear Whitebeard talking, his words were heard all over Marineford.


Well hell yeah I'm prepared to die!

Luffy didn't stop for a single moment to listen and understand what had happened. All that time he kept running and I was constantly beside him. Suddenly we heard a loud noise that shook Marineford to its core. Examining around with my eyes I saw something that looked like walls starting to move. They didn't go long though because of the frozen sea.

I guess that man Aokiji did us a favor!
I thought since I had previously came to realize that he was the ice user.

Luffy then tried something I wondered why he hadn't tried before. He extended his arms in an attempt to reach Ace. I held my breath; would his hands get to him? I shouted my anger when the second block of walls was activated and stopped Luffy. However that gigantic green creature that was laying down prevented the wall from closing completely leaving an opening for us to use.

At that moment the man sitting in the middle, directly under the execution platform. The man in red, Akainu finally made his move.

From his hand millions of magma pieces were thrown in the air, all over the port of Marineford. Much to my and Luffy's horror when we realized what he wanted to do. As the hot pieces of lava landed on the battlefield they killed tens of people, marines and pirates. But the worst part was when the lava fell on the ice where most of the Whitebeard's pirates were, and were fighting their way towards the solid ground of Marineford. The ships started falling in the boiling water and so did the pirates with Whitebeard's mark on their bodies. The screams of pain and horror filled my ears and reminded me of my time in Impel Down.

"Luffy!" I shrieked and I couldn't tell if he turned to look at me. "Please, please hit me! Hit me!!" I cried. Their voices filled my head as they were being burned alive. I couldn't take it. It destroyed me mentally. Luffy wouldn't hit me. I could hear him saying things like:

"Stop saying nonsense!"

Which left me with no other choice than cause the pain myself. I scratched off the skin on my left forearm with that pretty, silver blade and the pain brought me back to reality. I then tore my sleeve and wrapped it around the would as well as I could, while running, with a blade between my teeth.

When I raised my eyes Luffy was staring at me horrified so I mouthed:

"It's okay!"

Unexpectedly Jinbe landed beside us and took Luffy inside his hands. It seemed to me like he was ready to launch him over the wall. I wanted to go with him and I am sure it was written all over my face but I could also understand that he couldn't throw both of us.

"Pearl. Come!" Luffy ordered me and before I could react I found myself inside his hands. "Be helpful!" He asked me and Jinbe launched us over Oars' body, over the walls, closer to the three admirals that were again behind them. I couldn't hold a smile that Luffy had taken me with him, but that smile didn't last long because when we landed my father was standing in front of us.

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