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Pearl walked out of Law's cabin and immediately felt raindrops staining her skin. It had began to rain. She wasn't surprised, in the grand line a typhoon might hit you out of nowhere. Instead she began walking slowly on the deck enjoying the cold feel of the water on her skin and for a moment she thanked the gods that she hadn't eaten a devil fruit and could now enjoy the rain without having the fear of passing out. It didn't last long though and when it stopped she heard a raspy voice from the stairs that led to the steering wheel talking to her.

"Pearl wasn't it?"

Immediately she armed herself with her blades and tried to understand who was it that spoke to her. Slowly she took a few steps closer to where she had heard the voice and when she saw a familiar green haired man she lowered her arms but didn't let go of her blades.

"You can seethe them, I don't plan on killing you, Luffy seems to be quite fond of you." Zoro said. He was seating on the steps cleaning his swords and he didn't seem to mind of the rain that had just stopped either. "He really likes weirdos!" He added.

Pearl didn't make comment and deciding that Zoro really wasn't a thread, she placed her blades back onto her belt.

"How did he recruit you?" Zoro asked.

"Beats me..." She said and crossed her hands across her chest.

"I don't know how I feel about you" Zoro continued. "You look harmless but even a blind man can see behind that".

"I'm sorry but it's too late for chitchat" she interrupted him.

"Okay then, I'll get to the point". Zoro said and got up after putting his katana back on his belt. "I don't like you, you're the epitome of a suspicious person and..." he paused and looked at the door that led to Law's cabin, no words were needed.

"What do you want?"

"Me? I don't want something. It's none of my business what you do with that surgeon, but if it endangers my captain I'll make it mine!"

"Chill!" The girl said and raised her upper lip. "I would never hurt Luffy and he knows that. So just like you said, mind your own business!"

"I hope for your sake you're telling the truth". He said as Pearl walked away.

• • •

When the sun began rising, Bartolomeo's ship was still quiet and everyone tried to hold onto their sleep and dreams despite the beams of light that began creeping in the cabins through their portholes. And so did Pearl. She had hugged her pillow and had wrapped herself with a blanket.

Luffy had managed to walk inside her room and sit beside her bed without waking the sleeping girl. A nostalgic smile was written on his lips as he looked at her that slowly turned into a pure expression of melancholy. He tried to picture her the way he had met her but the image seemed to be long lost. Her ginger hair seemed to be just a dream, a dream geared apart by these rough black curls that now framed her face. Not being able to control himself he got out his hand and placed it on her neck in search for that one singe tuft of hair she had not dyed pitch black.

As expected Pearl felt that and reluctantly opened her eyes. The touch on her neck felt familiar so she fought her urge to jump and pin down the owner of the hand. Gradually the image she was seeing cleared and recognized Luffy. She smiled at him and he returned it.

"I miss your hair" Luffy told her when he found that ginger curl that was well hidden in her hair.

"Me too" she replied and brought her hand over his slowly tangling her fingers with his. "Want to hop in?" She asked feeing the need of his body's warmth beside her.

Luffy grinned happily and nodded making the girl lift the blanket and let him lie next to her. She turned around and let Luffy wrap his hands around her as his body took the shape she had, in a gentle spooning. His head rested on her neck and his hot breath made her body shiver. Pearl pressed her body against his and took his hands inside hers. 

"I heard you got hurt back in Dressrosa... I never asked you if you recovered and what happened" Luffy spoke quietly.

"I'm fine now" she replied reassuringly and no one spoke for a while.

Each could feel the others heartbeat and Pearl was ready to dive back to sleeping when Luffy kissed her neck and continued speaking.

"You never told me that you spent eight years in prison..." Luffy muttered and as Pearl didn't speak he went on. "You haven't told me anything about you, your life, your years in prison. And when I think of this I am reminded of what you had told me back in Ruskaina". Pearl knew what he meant but remained silent. "That I don't know you."

"Don't feel bad, nobody does!" She said in an attempt to joke and turned around in his embrace to face him and be able to see him. She brought her hand up to caress his cheek.

"No!" He muttered and grabbed her wrist. "I'm not going to slip away again" he said and his eyes were burning.

"I don't like taking about myself"

"Yes but I love hearing about you! So go on, I'm listening!"

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