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"Kuro-San!" Rebecca shouted as she held Pearl in her arms. She was coughing blood and her hands and waist were painted red as well as Rebecca's.

After a long and exhausting fight the man, Kyros, that was previously transformed to a toy soldier and was actually Rebecca's father, beat Diamante and rushed to his daughter were in his terror he saw her holding the injured girl.

"Who is she?" He asked and sat by her.

"Kuro-San. She was a fellow gladiator of mine! Dad, can we please help her?" She asked panicking when a tall woman showed up at the flower field. "Help!" She screamed at her and the woman rushed towards her. It was Robin and she was accompanied by three petite creatures that looked like fairies.

Robin kneeled down beside them and when she saw the girls face she was quite taken aback.

"She looks like..." she muttered but didn't finish her sentence.

The fighting on the roof of the place continued and once again Law passed out after being defeated by Doflamingo. Luffy continued fighting in his stead using his Conqueror's Haki to oppose both Doffy and his subordinate Trebol and when he finally beat the disgusting mucus covered creature he threw Law down to the flower field.

So when Law landed next to the party Robin focused her attention to him.

"Your hand!" She noticed as Law laid still breathing heavily.

"We can fix it!" The little creatures proposed and immediately rushed over him. Before Law could ask them how they meant to fix a completely separated limb they were already over him.

The girl had some short of healing power while the boy could stitch things and glue them together almost perfectly. It took them an average of five minutes to complete the task and Law couldn't believe his luck. He sat up and moved his hand around when suddenly he heard a really loud and disturbing cough coming from beside him. When he turned his head to look at the person who was coughing he turned pale, seeing Pearl lying on Rebecca's lap pale and covered in blood barely breathing and rushed over her.

"What's wrong with her?!" He shouted.

"Do you know her?" Robin asked.

"Of course, she is Pearl, Luffy's friend from the war!" he was speaking quickly and in his voice one could easily hear the terror of the girl dying.

Rebecca stared at him utterly confused, the girl she knew was named Kuro, but it wasn't time for such disagreements.

"Can someone please help her? All of the sudden these iron straps were wrapped around her and started suffocating her".

"How long has she been like that?" Law asked and rushed to create a room around them.

"About 30 minutes" the girl told him and you could see that this answer frightened Law even more.

Inside the room Law easily cut the girl, took the iron stripes off her and then "glued" her back together. The sight was truly horrific. Her skin was so scarred and deeply cut that you thought it didn't exist anymore under the thick layers of blood that covered it. When Pearl was freed from them she began breathing a little bit louder for a moment and opened her eyes, but soon enough she started loosing even more blood from her now completely open wounds.

"Law?" She muttered barely being able to make out his figure through her foggy eyes.

"Yes, Pearl, I'm here!" He said looking all around him for something he could use as bandage to stop her excessive bleeding. Kyros was wearing a cape. He signed at him and after tearing it in stripes he gently started wrapping them around her.

"I'm going to die right?" She whispered while face twitched in pain. Even though she didn't cry out it was visible that the pain was tremendous for her.

"No, no one dies in my hands, doctor's fucking orders!" He hissed trying to think of a possible way to clean the wounds and sew them together.

Pearl forced a smirk. "Oh fuck you. You can't even clean this shit!" She said and moved her eyes to see who was around him. They stopped at Robin. "Ah... I remember you... will you tell Luffy that I'm sorry?" She asked and then passed out.

Law tamed his panick as he turned to look at the little creatures that had healed him a couple minutes ago.

"Can you please help her?" He said feeling utterly ashamed to be asking that since he himself was a doctor.

They seemed skeptical. "Is she still alive?" The girl asked and law placed his ear on her left breast. He nodded and placed her down for them to take over.

Luffy was still up there fighting with Doflamingo on his stead and that hurt his pride as well. He looked at the dying girl and then at the palace but before he even took a step robin placed a hand in front of him.

"No you don't have to. He wouldn't let you to begin with!" She said and with a delicate smile written on her lips.

Pearl was still coughing blood while the two little creatures were treating her and it took them about ten minutes until all her scars disappeared. They were done. She slowly opened her eyes and saw everyone's heads looming over her. Her face took a confused expression and tried to sat up. She brought her hands on her stomach and stared at them. The only thing that she saw was the dried blood in her fingers. There wasn't even the slightest sight of a scar. Law gave her a slap across her face when she turned to look at him and her eyes filled with queries.

"That's for trying to die you bitch!" He hissed and she brought a hand on her red cheek unconsciously grinning.

"Now we're even" She muttered almost to herself.

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